Looking for female friends with similar goals...

I'm a 29yrs wife and mother of 2 beautiful boys (2.8yrs & 17months). I'm 5'3" 133lbs and I'm looking to lose about 8lbs. Once I reach 125lbs I'll re-evaluate where I'd like to be. I'm looking for females who share the same goals as me and are just looking for support to push ourselves to lose these last lbs.

Currently I'm doing Turbo Fire and I LOVE it. I've had the program since February and I've started and re-started it a few times. This last time I started it and I'm sticking with it for the full 20weeks. I am in the middle of my 4th week. I'm approaching my 30 day pictures and unforunately all my hard work with working out isn't going to pay off. My eating has been WAY above my calories for the day. Eating is my problem. I need to get that under control and I'm going to start today. No more excuses. I'm going to teach myself portion control.

I tend to gain all my weight in my middle so that is a huge problem area for me. I'm hoping with the adjustment to my diet and pushing forward with Turbo Fire I will reach my goal body by the middle of December.

If you're interested in becoming friends please request me and tell me a litlte about yourself. Best of luck to all!


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm a 29yrs wife and mother of 2 beautiful boys (2.8yrs & 17months). I'm 5'3" 133lbs and I'm looking to lose about 8lbs. Once I reach 125lbs I'll re-evaluate where I'd like to be. I'm looking for females who share the same goals as me and are just looking for support to push ourselves to lose these last lbs.

    Currently I'm doing Turbo Fire and I LOVE it. I've had the program since February and I've started and re-started it a few times. This last time I started it and I'm sticking with it for the full 20weeks. I am in the middle of my 4th week. I'm approaching my 30 day pictures and unforunately all my hard work with working out isn't going to pay off. My eating has been WAY above my calories for the day. Eating is my problem. I need to get that under control and I'm going to start today. No more excuses. I'm going to teach myself portion control.

    I tend to gain all my weight in my middle so that is a huge problem area for me. I'm hoping with the adjustment to my diet and pushing forward with Turbo Fire I will reach my goal body by the middle of December.

    If you're interested in becoming friends please request me and tell me a litlte about yourself. Best of luck to all!

    I'm 5'2" and my starting weight was 157.0 and I'm down to 123.0. All I have left is to get rid of some remaining belly fat and to tone up a little bit more. I'm also a mother of 2 (girl 4, boy 11) but I'm 43 years old. We have about the same goals. Feel free to send me a request! I keep my food diary open to MFP friends. You CAN do this!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    My middle is the problem too, in fact I am pretty thin everywhere else, but need to lose 17lb before the middle is managable I reckon. I am doing the 30 day shred and turbo jam. I am 5ft 5 and 139, want to get to lower 120's. I am 29 in 2 months and have 2 children also. Boy early 2 and girl nearly 10 :O We can totally do this.
  • msmodular13
    msmodular13 Posts: 12 Member
    I am completely in the same boat!! I am 30, am 5'2", and am up to 130!! I would like to be between 120-125. I weighed nearly 116 after my divorce, but looked completely sick. For some reason, I think I have built muscle mass, because I am the same size and my clothes fit just as well. I do notice that since I have done Turbo, I have gotten more toned. I started with Turbo Jam in March and got Turbo Fire this summer. I did the inferno, did it intermittently, then went on vacation. I pigged out in Chicago :/ Anyhow, I am finally back on the wagon and am currently on week 2. I find that I am ALWAYS hungry!!! I have a big problem with portions and frequency of eating.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi Tina,

    I am 5'4 135 and want to get down to 125 and re-evaluate as well. I am also in the same boat as you as far as eating. That is my BIGGEST problem. I LOVE working out and being active but I .love to eat! Keeping my calories under is a consistent issue for me. In the last few weeks, I have tried a diet pill and it really seems to work to help control my hunger. But I know it is only short term, so I have to learn to eat better food and at better times so that I will feel full longer. Just hoping that if I lose some weight with the diet pill that my stomach will shrink some and I will be less hungry :) I just sent you a friend request. Good luck!!! We CAN do this!!!! :)

  • l_heras
    l_heras Posts: 65
    I'm with you ladies! I'm 26, and a mommy of one (3yrs). I'm 5'2" and I'm at 146, and my goal is to be at 125 (really, 120 but it doesn't seem so realistic nowadays). I too have problems with my mid area :(
  • sunshineshica
    we have like the same goals. I'm 31 5'2 133lbs. I also would like to get to 125 but would love to get to 120 which is what I set it for on here. I also gain my weight in my stomach area and lose weight every where else fast but not so much in my stomach. I see you say your problem is eating. Isn't that all of our issue? LOL I believe that portion control is a big step to losing the belly weight. I've started that and I run about 4x a week. I've lost 6 lbs since last month. You've set a pretty achieveable goal for yourself by mid December. Me and diets don't get along so that's why I've started the portion control method. We'll get there. I believe it!
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    Hello. I'm 36 & I have 3 boys (14, 12, & 6). I'm 5"9 & I weigh about 127 lbs. My goal weight is 125 lbs. I, too, am always interested in having female friends w/ similar goals; I sent you a request. =)
  • clairaustin
    Hi. I am a bit older too, 41 with two children aged 10 and 13 months. I have only a few pounds to lose now, having lost about 10lbs of extra baby weight. It's hard staying motivated when no one around me diets EVER! I am an emotional eater, and even right now as my daughter is having a sleepover party I am anxious about the baby waking up so I am constantly walking back and forth to the kitchen to grab a snack!! So stress is a bad thing for me! I could do with all the motivation I can get so having a buddy would be great for me. I run quite a lot, so exercise is an intergral part of my life already but I think my metabolism is messed up by antidepressants that I took as a preventitive against PND. I suffered terribly from this after my first child. However, I am free of all medication right now even BC! hooray! And hoping my BMR will kick start itself again?! I am not familiar with the Turbo Fire programme you mention? I live in the UK, is that available here? Hoping to hear from you.
  • raaynes
    raaynes Posts: 58
    Hey! I'm 25, 123lbs and 5'3". Looking to get down to about 110. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • Sugar_Dumpling
    Sugar_Dumpling Posts: 50 Member
    Hiya :)

    I've just turned 30 and I'm 5'3" - I currently weigh 143.3 and my ideal weight would be 119. However realistically would be happy with 125.

    Feel free to add me, could always do with more supportive friends :D xx
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    Wow, you guys have all done great! I actually just started about a week ago, I'm 5'2" and currently 160.5, my goal is 120, I don't remeber ever being 120, obviously I was, but don't remeber it. If any one has any tips, I would greatly appreciate it. My goal is to loose 1 pound a week, and I've been walking a minimum of a mile practically every day. I'd love to be able to run, but never have really been able to. I also have a bad knee, when it's not acting up to bad I will get in 2-3 miles easily, when it's acting up it's a mile maybe mile and a half and that's pushing it.
    Congratulations again, you are all an insperation to everyone going for their goals!
  • shellbell525
    Hi All, I just joined a few days ago. I am 25 5'4 and 140. I'm trying to get down to 125 by next May for my wedding. I've gone on and off turbo fire also but eating has always been by biggest issue. I'm hoping this program will help. Please feel free to friend me, looking to get and give support in this battle.