Hi, I’m new.

I’ve only read a few posts but I’m seeing a lot of WW people here. I’ve been a WW member and lifetime for many years. I quit smoking almost two years ago and have gained at least 15 lbs. WW used to be easy and now it’s a struggle. I had a very bad experience with WW overcharging me last week and I got very upset and quit. I think I’ll be okay with counting calories here on my fitness pal but will surely miss the WW meetings. I’m starting to panic because I feel like I lost my best friend and I know my weight is going to baloon! Has anyone else left WW and stayed successful? I know what to eat and what to do. Getting on the scale at the meetings and all of the support and tips and chitter chatter I will miss so much!


  • fouchard25
    fouchard25 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to do WW too! Lost 3 stone on the old system but tried the snartpoints and not much happened so went to slim fast method using Morrisons shakes instead and it worked but my mum passed away an not been able to get my head into it! We can do this!