Struggling. ):

So I've been on an 8 month plateau && I can't seem to stick with my routine for more than a week. 2 weeks ago I started JM 30 Day Shred && was getting super cut && looking so good. Then I went on a week vacation and messed it all up. ): (Even though I took my weights and DVD with me) super frustrating. I love food too much i think. It sucks. I'm so ready to be under 200 pounds. ugghh! Does anyone else have this problem, or am I the only one?!


  • jriv113
    jriv113 Posts: 20
    ive been stuck between 151-154 for about 2 months now! i actually just ordered my 30 day shred! I kind of fell off last week but this week I think I've been doing pretty good! Maybe try to swich up your food or up ur workout routine. Im trying everything =( let me know what works for you pls cuz i sure wanna know.
    How long did it take for you to start seeing results from 30 day shred?
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I think it gets harder the closer you get to your goal. Both mentally and physically. Try to get back to the basics that led to your awesome success. 71 lbs is really great. I try to focus on 1 choice at a time, not one day or one week. They are too overwhelming. I take each choice as it comes and choose the healthier option. If I "fail" and make a bad choice, I don't let that bad choice lead to a bunch of bad choices. (the one cookie/whole bag scenerio :smile:)

    You are so close the that huge milestone of getting under 200 lbs. You just need to get your focus back and do it!!! Good luck to you!! :drinker:
  • emyback68
    No, you are not alone. Sometimes I think I love food too much too . . . but the truth is I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am bored, when I am stressed, when I am sad, when I am happy (and tell myself I deserve it). I really need to focus (and take care of my emotions) in order to not go off my meal plan. There is a thread on the community board for emotional eaters if you think this applies to you.

    If not, and its just a matter of discipline, just keep logging on! This is a journey, not a race, and you have already lost a tremendous amount of weight so far.
    Good luck!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Hang in there sista. I know the feeling. Messing up for a day or two and then losing motivation is very easy to do. I was religiously on this site everyday went from 183 to 147 lbs and now back up to 167 and not feeling good at all. I can’t seem to get my groove back. I keep saying I want to, I will, I want to but never DO! I am on here today to read some of these threads and gain my motivation back. You will find it some way. Change up your work out or change up your diet.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I went through exactly what you are going through a few years ago. I got down to 200 and could not get below that.

    You have to change things up! Start doing different workouts. If you ran, do aerobics. If you only do cardio, lift weights. You need to change it up! Same goes for your food. if you eat exactly 1300 calories every day, your body gets used to it. You need 1200 one day and 1400 the next day to really get your body going.

    Don't worry! It will happen for you. I lost a ton once I changed my routine a few years ago but I didn't stick with it. I'm back to it now though! :)
  • Qhoney24
    Qhoney24 Posts: 31
    I love all types of food mostly Indian food. But i just learned how to alter everything so that it doesnt hurt what i am doing. Even on my off days i still hold my ground, i feel once you place that in your head that this is what makes you happy by being fit nothing can take that away. Yes, even a vacation i am working out. Once it becomes apart of you than everything else falls to the side, i learned that the hard way but soon changed my ways.. Good Luck! You will get it the way you want it
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    If your food diary is accurate, then it definitely doesn't look like you're eating enough. Eat those exercise calories!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Also, the low-carb thing is really, really not a good idea. Especially that low.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    That would be me, too. I've stayed the same for about three or four months (maybe longer!). I started TurboFire a over a week ago and I have gained some. Very frustrating! I'm following the prep schedule right now, hope the regular schedule will help me see some results.

    Hang in there and I will try to do the same!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    If your food diary is accurate, then it definitely doesn't look like you're eating enough. Eat those exercise calories!

    ^^^^ Yep, this.

    Your "plateau" is the textbook example of what happens when you go too long eating too low net calories. Unfortunately we see it way too often around here.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    That would be me, too. I've stayed the same for about three or four months (maybe longer!). I started TurboFire a over a week ago and I have gained some. Very frustrating! I'm following the prep schedule right now, hope the regular schedule will help me see some results.

    Hang in there and I will try to do the same!

    I do TurboFire too, as well as ChaLEAN Extreme. The thing about those intense programs is that you are likely to gain weight the first week or so ( Make sure you are eating enough (eating your exercise calories), and tracking your calories burned with a HRM, and you should start to see weight loss.