Looking to start up a weight loss group

riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hi Guys-

I have been using Myfitnesspal for a couple years now, but I am sad to say I can't stabilize my weight loss :sad: . I have been yo-yoing for a while now, and I think that with the support of my fitness pal's I can do better this time around.

If you're interested :bigsmile: , share a story about your weight loss journey (if you'd like), post your most current weight and your weight loss goal and we'll just check in with each other every Saturday after today.

I think we should go longterm with this one and shoot for May 15th. If anyone is interested, please join in. The more the merrier and I would really appreciate the support. :happy:

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting


  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hi Guys-

    I have been using Myfitnesspal for a couple years now, but I am sad to say I can't stabilize my weight loss :sad: . I have been yo-yoing for a while now, and I think that with the support of my fitness pal's I can do better this time around.

    If you're interested :bigsmile: , share a story about your weight loss journey (if you'd like), post your most current weight and your weight loss goal and we'll just check in with each other every Saturday after today.

    I think we should go longterm with this one and shoot for May 15th. If anyone is interested, please join in. The more the merrier and I would really appreciate the support. :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Current Weight: 134.2
    Goal: 110-115
  • Hello, I am in. I want to lose the weight to be healthy and avoid the health issues that follow my family such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

    My current weight is 199 pounds.

    May 15th goal 171 pounds(28 pounds over 14 weeks)

    Long term goal 135 pounds

    May 15th is a significant day to me. It will be the 2 yr anniversary of my fathers passing. He died in his sleep of a massive heart attack at the young age of 55.

  • Im looking forward to loss weight to be health. im only 19 years old and i've been over weight for the last ten yrs. due from taking medication and eating junk food.:sad:

    current =152.5

    short term (april 10) =134

    short term goal ( june 21) =116

    long term goal =110 :drinker:

    i've been looking for a support group.
    i found this website by mistake.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I've been a member for a year, started out weighing 248lbs :blushing:
    I've yo-yoed since the age of 17, I'm 36 now - time for change, I need to get back down to a healthy weight, diabetes already set in, nerve damage in my foot - which I'm happy to say has not got any worse since I started losing weight.
    My family also has diabetes, heart disease and strokes throughout - my uncle recently losm on anti-deprt his leg through diabetes, I really don't wanna be another statistic! :noway:
    for the past month or so, I've started yo-yoing again - between 210 and 214lbs - can't get under 210lbs for love nor money, it doesn't help that I'm on anti-depressants, but that's another story.

    Current weight: 211lbs
    Target weight: 150lbs
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I'd love to join in!!

    I've always struggled with my weight & after 2 babies I really needed to do some work!! I got serious here at MFP in Dec 08 & was able to drop 22 lbs. I am currently 178 & would love to be 160 by May. I think it's possible! I'll need you all here to help me though!! I look forward to checking in with you all next Saturday!

    Have a great week! :drinker:
  • bonniebgood
    bonniebgood Posts: 12 Member
    Okie Dokie, count me in too. I know - it's Sunday, but my weight as of this morning is 192.5, my goal till May 15 is 175. My ultimate goal is 165. Let's DO THIS!!
  • Hey, I am in....the more I get committed, the better chance that is.....ohhh I mean committed to losing weight, not "being" committed:wink:
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Looks like we're all off to a great start. Can't wait to hear back from everyone next Saturday. Have a great week. :wink:
  • I'm in too even though I'm reading this on Sunday.

    I lost one pound this week and weigh 163. I want to go down to 135 or abouts. It's hard to tell when you've been overweight for much of your life what you should weigh or what you want to get down to.

    My goal is to lose one pound a week, I'm the type of person that will get discouraged if I set my goal higher and don't meet it each week, I know from experience. So that's about 15 pounds to May 15th.

    Here we go!!! :bigsmile:
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    This is a fantastic idea! I have so many reasons for wanting to lose weight and get in shape. The main reasons are to feel better and have less of an issue with hypoglycemia. My current weight is 144. My target weight for May is 135. :heart:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm in. Start 154.8, Present wt, 145. Goal 135 by May. Keep me away from sugar!!!!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hello Ladies-

    How is everyone doing? I hope that your week went well. I made some improvement this week and I am very excited.:drinker: I look forward to reading everyone's posts. Talk to you all soon.


    Also, let me know if anyone has any good ideas for what we can name our group. Then it will just have the name then something like week 2 check-in and so on beside it.

    Last Saturday: 134.2
    Today: 130.0
    Goal: 110

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Hello everyone

    I've been heavy my entire life, I used to keep myself between 220 and 250 but things changed in my mid twenties when it became apparent there was something wrong with my feet. Turns out I have really flat feet and heal spurs. I used to crawl to the bathroom in the morning, I am doing a little better now that I know what the issue is, but my weight is currently 309 pounds.

    It's been difficult for the past few years, and I really should consider surgery to have the spurs removed, Especially the one on the left foot, as it's a big one.

    I bought the ten minute trainer and I can't believe the amount of sweating you do in ten minutes. Tony Hortin is a genuis.

    Any ways, I'm looking for some support here. It's difficult at times and I swing shifts which makes it more difficult and I tend to get hyphoglemic symptoms at 4.3, usually if I don't eat when I get the symptoms I get worse at the hours go by until I hit to the point where I can't even eat, I force myself to eat something before dropping into a complete deep sleep.

    I really need help.
  • I would love to join if it is not too late. I gained alot of weight after having the kids (2 and 5 yrs. old). I have always been a hugh soda (regular) drinker and that has been my biggest problem with losing the weight. I haven't drank any in 2 weeks so that is a start but it is still a battle. I have been up and down for about a yr now. I thought maybe having a support group would help.

    Starting weight: 213
    1st goal: 160
    Ideal goal: 140
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    OOOH I wanna join! is it too late?

    Today's WI 214.2

    Short Term goal = 210 or 10% by March 1st (yes I am a WW'er)
    Next goal = 189 by May 15th (one week before our anniversary cruise to Alaska)

    I started a modified WW/South Beach plan 7 weeks ago after my doc said "Make a CHANGE NOW". I have eliminated all bread from my diet and limit potato/rice/pasta to one meal a week. I learned to eat fish and feel like a rabbit some time with all the salads I am eating. But you know what? Each time I make that choice to eat healthy...I feel empowered and that keeps me doing it!

    Together...we can do it!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their weightloss and/or their desire to join the group!! :drinker:

    As far as a name for the group... maybe try to use our goal date ,May 15th challenge or maybe the Fit For Spring challenge or something... I'm really not good at that.. I'll follow your lead!

    Last week - 178
    Today - 175
    Goal - 160

    Good luck on a successful week! :drinker:
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    I have a team created on Biggest Loser League (FREE)
    Team: Athletes in Training
    Maybe this might help?? I've battled weight my whole life....but always been athletic....just have had setbacks....Avoiding health problems is my goal...rather than losing weight....pounds are numbers, not health...granted we use them for progress, but I don't care how I look like, I just care how I feel and exercise makes me feel great! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone reaches their goals!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Yes everyone can still join, this Saturday was our first check-in. We check-in every Saturday with our current weight. You can all share with us any difficulties you've had and maybe we can all help you out. This group is until May 15th with our final weigh-in. I hope that everyone is satisfied with their results from yesterday and we all look forward to reading your future posts.

    Also, we're going to change the name of this topic so that everyone can recognize it easier it each week. I will pass it on to you what it is, when I figure it out.

    Have a great week and thank you for joining in.

  • I would like to participate. I just started yesterday and won't weigh in until next Monday. I was always a skinny Minny (really skinny) until around the age of 40 I started to put on the weight. I have successfully lost is twice only to gain more back. This is the most I've ever weighted and it's embarrassing. I know how to do it but I have to learn to keep it off. Good luck to all of us, let's see this through!

    Starting Weight 197
    Goal for 5-15 175
    End Goal 145
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