My Pants Don’t Fit - Back to Chasing that Wagon

las148 Posts: 30 Member
I began a new job (first year teacher), last fall. I moved far from home, where I knew no one. I knew I was stressed, anxious/depressed, and that I have a tendency to console myself with food.

I didn’t know how far off the wagon I fell. Actually, I did. But I didn’t care. Can anyone relate?

I knew MFP was there as my tool for staying healthy and losing weight. I could have just “maintained” this school year, but instead I gained over 30 lbs back of my 70 lb loss.

Up until tonight, I’ve been okay. I know I can lose weight, and I finally find myself in a good place, mentally, to find the motivation and desire to do so.

Tonight, I started trying on clothes for summer. Some clothes that were too big, last year, that just barely fit now. My favourite shorts are two inches away from doing up.

I told myself that I can lose a good amount by summer (1.5 months), as long as I stay focused.

However, after doing the math, I’ve realized I will not lose 30 pounds in that amount of time. Obviously. I can hope for about 15, based on my history.

This would still be an amazing accomplishment. But my pants still won’t fit.

I’ve never really cried about this until tonight. I’m just so damn MAD at myself for letting this happen. Even though I KNOW I was really in no place to prevent it. I did everything I could at the time.

Have you ever felt this? (I’m sure many others have.) What have you told yourself so that you don’t hate yourself and to keep yourself motivated (even when all your clothes don’t fit ☹️)? I think I just need some reassurance and comeradery, right now.


  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    Well the good news is you are fully aware of what happened and are ready to deal with it. For me I was pretty oblivious to the fact I gained weight.

    You know how to lose weight so it's not like you have no idea where to begin. Please cut yourself some slack. You only have 40 to lose, not 70. Many others have regained all their weight plus more.

    Forgive yourself and tackle it! You can do this.
  • jweb007
    jweb007 Posts: 36 Member
    Omg yes! I know that feeling. I had to get a certain kind of pants when I started a new job in June 2017. At the moment that I was in the shop they didn’t have my size (22) so I was forced to buy the next size up (24) and wear a belt. Fast forward to April 2018. Those size 24s that I was swimming in are TOO TIGHT. I can still wear them, but when I’m at home, I def unbutton them!

    You’re not alone! And you can do this! GotObsessed made a good point when she said that it’s great that you’ve realized it. It’s also great that you’re setting a realistic goal (30 pounds in 6 weeks is crazy!).

    Hating yourself doesn’t burn calories, so you have no time for that! You’ve lost it before so you can do it again!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,303 Member
    Be depressed for a day or so..then forgive youself and get to work. i know the feeling... when i tried on all my old jeans and couldn't get them up..let a lone zipped. To know those used to fit with ease hit me like a ton of bricks.

    I think it is good to feel really bad about it for a short while.. just to make sure it never happnes again.

    You can and will knock off those 30 pounds. Try your shorts that no longer fit every single week. Stay motivated..and you will be done before you know it.

    all my old tight jeans not only fit now.. some are loose and I've bought new fashionable ones.. ( took me since January...40 pounds.. you can do it!).
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    It is extremely common, and it happened to me too.
    The statistics are that over 80% of people who have lost weight, gain it back within 5 years, and some gain even more weight.
    Know that you are definitely not alone. You know what to do, and how to do it, so it is just a matter of getting back on track for you. You can do this!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited May 2018
    i gained about half back in a year or so. so i'm back too.
    happens all the time :smile:
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,481 Member
    I didn’t decide that I loved my 285lb self. But I decided I was a worthy cause. Just as a core belief, I think everyone, until they start intentionally hurting others, is a worthy cause.

    We only get one life. Was I living mine the way I wanted to at 285lbs? No. Since losing weight did not harm others, I should be able to determine this for myself. That was how I talked myself into the righteousness of my weight loss project. I stood up for myself.

    Want to quit the on/off weight loss wagon? Embrace the process. Weight loss is a set of things to do. Just keep doing them. Scale not cooperating? It’s just a feedback tool.

    If the feedback is not positive, you need better planning and execution.

    #1 WL thing to do is your food diary. Calculate a modest calorie deficit, get a food scale and start your food diary. Record everything every day. The good, bad or ugly. Anyone can record the good days, you record them all. Forget? Go back and fill it in as best you can. Don’t know how to count that meal? Make a good faith guess and move on.

    Suggest you not concern yourself with how long it takes. If you get a downward trend going and be happy with what you’re eating and how you’re living, you’ve found the WL sweet spot. Ride the trend. Make moderate adjustments when needed.

    I made my goal and kept tracking for years to maintain. Not tracking currently, but if I get near my line in the sand, I start again before things get out of hand. It’s worked every time I’ve tried it.

    This is doable and you can do it.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Stupid pants. My closet is like a men's clothing store with a whole range of sizes. A few years ago I went as high as size 42 waist, I then lost 66 pounds and put on size 32x32 jeans--a dream come true. Like you I gained a bunch back. I was in 38 jeans, now 36, headed for 34. You know what to do, you are past the significant stress (and understandable weight gain), you will be hot again I promise.
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    las148, you sound just like me two years ago when I began my own weight loss journey. I had gone up TWO sizes of pants in a matter of a couple of months and was almost out of the normal plus size clothing range. That's what prompted me to action. It's a frightening thing, to just keep going up and up in clothing sizes. It's just so incredibly personal. And I hear ya- I couldn't believe I let myself get up to 355 pounds. Believe me, I get it. I know EXACTLY how you feel! Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. But... you realized that you have a problem which is the biggest step and now you are ready to do something about it. And I believe you will!

    I've lost 122 pounds, with another 60-70 pounds left to go until my goal weight. So when I tell you it can be done, I'm speaking from personal experience. I've "been there, done that" and you got this! You can do it!

    Fall down 9 times, get up 10! Life happens, we make mistakes, things pop up... it's all good- just KEEP GOING!

    "get fit don't quit!"
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thank you for posting this - I needed to see it. My pants don't fit. But the only thing different is that I've never gotten anything down to where I actually lost weight (except phentermine 10 years ago)
    I'm bigger than everybody else I know. That bothers me some days.
    Most days I don't care.
    But when my pants are tight I get mad and sad...but I know that it won't change. I'll just buy the next size bigger. Because it's painful. And when those stupid metal clips that button your pants draw blood....I draw the line.
  • carol7323
    carol7323 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi a year ago I knew we were going on a cruise for my birthday in August 2018. I said oh I have a year to lose about 15-20 pounds. No problem. It had always been easy to lose weight. But I had my thyroid removed a few years back and now it’s not so easy. Fast forward and we are just over 90 days away. I’m eating right, bought a new treadmill since ours finally died after 15 years and joined Orangetheory. I have accepted I will be where I will be. My doctor has prescribed a weight medicine to help as it has been so hard. But this is the second one as the first didn’t work. But it is what it is. We must take the little milestones to get to the larger goals.

    Good luck on your journey. You can do it.