Starting my weightless journey... again..

Hey my name is Kayla, I am a 28 year old mom of 3 ... I have lost a lot of weight previously but havnt been on a diet in quite a while and I just recently weighed myself .. well... I weigh more now then I ever have and I really need to get my weight loss journey started back up.. I can not do this anymore! I am really in need of encouragement and friends! Feel free to add me!



  • MichelleKnights870
    MichelleKnights870 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey my name is Kayla, I am a 28 year old mom of 3 ... I have lost a lot of weight previously but havnt been on a diet in quite a while and I just recently weighed myself .. well... I weigh more now then I ever have and I really need to get my weight loss journey started back up.. I can not do this anymore! I am really in need of encouragement and friends! Feel free to add me!


    I’m in the exact same boat as you. Feeling like a wobble just a little to much for my liking. Although I am more comfortable now in my own skin than I ever have been I feel now is the time to put the demons to bed and slim down a little
  • Lynnara
    Lynnara Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this, feel free to add me.
  • jmriley319
    jmriley319 Posts: 4 Member
    Same here! Well, kinda... I’ll be 28 next month, mom of 2. My son is turning one soon and I’ve just been chilling since he was born. But I train horses and really need to get back in shape. I was 120lbs before my last kid was born and am 149lbs now and it’s the heaviest I’ve ever been. Just starting back up tonight, so I’ll start logging again tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Don't go on a diet. Diets is why you regain. Just eat a little less, and maybe move a little more, in ways you can and will keep up for the rest of your life.
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey my name is Kayla, I am a 28 year old mom of 3 ... I have lost a lot of weight previously but havnt been on a diet in quite a while and I just recently weighed myself .. well... I weigh more now then I ever have and I really need to get my weight loss journey started back up.. I can not do this anymore! I am really in need of encouragement and friends! Feel free to add me!

    Hey my name is Kayla, I am a 28 year old mom of 3 ... I have lost a lot of weight previously but havnt been on a diet in quite a while and I just recently weighed myself .. well... I weigh more now then I ever have and I really need to get my weight loss journey started back up.. I can not do this anymore! I am really in need of encouragement and friends! Feel free to add me!


  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey Kayla, my advice would be to change your lifestyle as opposed to going on a diet. Make lots of food swaps .. switch to whole grain carbs, drink more water and get lots of exercise! Look out for those liquid calories such as fruit juices etc. It’s hard but if you set your mind to it you can do anything! X
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    Me too! Lost about 160 pounds a few years ago anf then did the dangerous thing and relaxed on the diet. Safe to say I gained about 100 pounds back again... so here I am, back on the diet! I restarted about three months ago andam finding the dieting more of a struggle this time round. I can do a strict diet and I can do 'eating for Britain' - I just don't seem to be able to do anything in between. I would love some supportive friends to join on this journey again....
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Welcome to MFP!