Any Intermittent fasting peeps?

trin2m2t Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone, I’m new again! I’m utilizing an intermittent fasting protocol by Dr Berg, 16:8 and counting my calories during my non-fasting, fed hours. Anyone else here doing the same? Feel free to friend request me! Looking for support on this journey!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think it's a bit sad/strange that not eating all the time is considered so out of the ordinary, that it need a special term. For context, I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner 3-4 hours apart, and this actually qualifies as 16:8 or even 18:6 some days.
  • cburress45
    cburress45 Posts: 3 Member
    @trin2m2t I am doing that same thing now
  • Isra_1
    Isra_1 Posts: 44 Member
    I am doing the 5:2 intermittent fasting! Would love to be pals with you!
  • Odeleya
    Odeleya Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2018
    I just started 5:2 fasting this week! I’m not a big breakfast eater and try not to eat at night so kinda do 16:8 normally anyway. Would love to make some friends!
  • JSmoove3g4
    JSmoove3g4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing it as well!
  • BrownBerry6
    BrownBerry6 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started 16:8 too! I'm on day 4. Would love to connect w/ others doing the same.
  • Nimogen
    Nimogen Posts: 1 Member
    I’m just starting the 5:2 fast, it’s hard to track on here because it has big red warnings about undereating! But I’m hoping that doing this and HIIT on the normal five days will help me reach my goals. Any tips?
  • debbiedrr
    debbiedrr Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everybody! Been doing intermittent fasting since last year but not consistent but here I am again, this time will do continuously as I gain few pounds back. So sad. Anyway, I know I can reach my goal it's just a matter of discipline and balance life! Let's do this!
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    I have been doing IF since end of March 2018...down about 6 lbs so happy with that. I majority of time do an 18 6 schedule. Finish supper by 5:30 and then don't eat until lunch time next day. Surprisingly it is working out and I am easily able to sustain it.

    I always describe it as I do not eat after supper and skip breakfast!

    Funny thing is I used to have a full breakfast at 6:30 a.m. before work, eggs/toast, etc. and within 3 hours start getting really hungry again...then by lunch would be famished. Might as well just skip the breakfast and wait until lunch. THe only difference is when I skip breakfast I am hungry but it is not that shaky starving feeling I used to have by lunch WHEN I ate breakfast.
  • iamjanice7
    iamjanice7 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been doing 16: 8 IF also for 5 weeks, skipping breakfast. I love it because I can indulge in 2 meals but not exceed my calorie limit.

    So far I'm losing 2lbs per week with exercise 5x a week.
  • breemariee920
    breemariee920 Posts: 10 Member
    I had previously been using the 16:8 and loved it, someone then recommended the 5:2. I am seeing results but I do find myself dreading those two days of fasting a week. I am averaging around 2 lbs a week with 5:2.
  • fuzzydogpa
    fuzzydogpa Posts: 21 Member
    I do keto along with OMAD (one meal a day) several days of the week for quicker fat loss. I stick with dinner as my one meal. It's a time saver and a money saver, it's easy and it works!
  • dkg_motivate
    dkg_motivate Posts: 10 Member
    Yes! IF for 17 weeks, since January 17th. I've lost 30 pounds and can see myself eating like this forever. I fast 18-20 hours and only eat 4-6 hours, depending on my schedule. Now that I've lost some weight andmy knees feel better I'm ready to start incorporating exercise into my daily routine.
  • flame_retardant
    flame_retardant Posts: 49 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hey! Me & a billion other people around the world are on this band-wagon with you for the month, my friend! It's Ramadan - the month of fasting for Muslims. We won't eat from sunrise to sunset everyday (which for me is from about 5AM-9PM). It's starting May 15 & going through till June 13. I'm aiming for about a 8lb weight loss over this month!
  • CutNjacked
    CutNjacked Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi all! I’ve been doing 16:8 for the past month or so and I’ve been able to lower my body fat % from about 15%-10%. I eat my first meal at 2:00 P.M. and my last meal at 10:00 P.M. I’m also still calorie counting (obviously I’m on MyFitnessPal). I’m also still Lifting heavy and running long and have a surge of energy. Although I’m a bit lethargic in the morning; by 12:00 P.M. my adrenaline skyrockets and my hunter gatherer instincts kick in : )
  • PartHulk
    PartHulk Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing IF for about ten months now and love it. Not losing any muscle either.