need support

Hi friends,
I have been here almost a week. I would like to meet some friends to help me, I need any tips I can get to get me started with exercises:smile:


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Hey, I'll be your friend!...the only tip I can think of is just do it! Start off walking
  • ComedienneCrystalP
    Hi FrannyLavern!!

    The easiest exercise is just walking and try to do it for at least 30 minutes. If you do it while talking on your cell phone or listening to your iPod, you won't even realize it. Right now, I'm walking on the treadmill, doing Zumba, hustle dancing and hopefully, roller skating. I do Zumba and hustles with my sister and my daughters, so that makes it fun!
  • garrard
    garrard Posts: 1
    Hi my name is nikki i have just started this through my gp, i am finding it very different to weight watchers were with that you have points this one i carn't get the grip of.

    I have got 47 points left but not sure what to eat as a snack can someone please give me some tips please.
    my e-mail address is; thank you i await your reply

    Nikki x