moving to a HOTlanta, must shed pounds!

Hi guys. I am moving from New England to Atlanta. HOT- lanta!

I cant hide my weight with clothing, its too hot! I want to be able to wear less clothes in the heat and feel comfortable with my body. Anyone who is in the same boat or wants to chat....

friend me! xoxo


  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    I moved from New England to Oklahoma, wow what a difference. I think it took me two years to adjust to this heat. I do like the winters much better.

    Be careful the foods are a lot more fattening in the south... I gained living in this FAT state.
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    Dont worry; they´ll "burn" off...
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i live 2 hours away from atlanta and yep its hot as hell there, as well as here too lol, i have some family there and will probably be doing alot more traveleing there, friend me if you like
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm in a year long process of moving from CA (northern) to Florida...not used to the humidity so I want to shed some pounds to be able to wear shorts again! we're currently in New Mexico and its just HOT here...wish I'd started this a year ago haha but at least now I'm unemployed and focusing only on this diet...oh and my husband haha he gets taken care of too