Low Blood Sugar Attacks

Sometimes, especially after exercise or just sweating a lot, I get all shaky and have the urge to eat about 4 bowls of cereal. Now that I am on a diet, this is not an option. Last time it happened I fell into bed and slept for 2 hours. I consume over half my calories as healthful snacks, eating fruit, vegetables, nuts and turkey jerky. Any ideas?


  • While dieting and getting slimmer is a want....it is a NEED to keep your blood sugar in mind. You cannot be letting yourself get to this point. Make sure you are eating enough carbs to hold onto that blood sugar a little longer. AND when you feel yourself getting near your blood sugar being low--eat or drink something!
  • I have hypoglycemia and my doctor told me the best snacks for low blood sugar are high protein items like peanut butter or jerky. He said fruit is high in simple sugars and will cause your blood sugar to spike later.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). My advice, boost up your calories and sugars prior to exercising and then a bit afterwards. Eat back your exercise calories because you will need them. It's hard to balance the sugars but don't be afraid to sometimes eat a candy bar to give you that quick boost. For us, sugars are necessary. I'm still trying to figure out what the best amount of sugars is for me daily in order to avoid the shakes.
  • I have it sometimes :p
  • bunny888
    bunny888 Posts: 23
    Hi there,

    Oats are great for stabilising blood sugar levels. You could try starting your day with a bowl of porridge made from natural oats, sweetened with, say, berries rather than sugar. You could also try eating little and often. Are you eating tons of fruit?
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Have you tried eating a bit bit of protein before you work out. It sounds like you are starting low to begin with and then going to low. This could be dangerous if you go too low and pass out. (It's happened to me) You want protein and not fruit or sugar since thos have a tendency of burning off rather quick.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have hypoglycemia and my doctor told me the best snacks for low blood sugar are high protein items like peanut butter or jerky. He said fruit is high in simple sugars and will cause your blood sugar to spike later.

    Ditto this. Never eat sugar alone, even fruit. Always pair it with protein or fat. This will keep your blood sugar from spiking then crashing. Eat a combo of carbs and protein before and after working out.
  • londonerin26
    londonerin26 Posts: 10 Member
    I would suggest a visit to the doctor. I've had dizzy spells and shakiness due to what I perceive as blood sugar drops, but my doctor ran a whole bunch of tests on me to make sure it wasn't heart problems or anything else. I think anything out of the norm like you're talking about should be discussed with a medical professional.

    But like the others said, prep for the gym by eating before. I've been told relatively low-carb can help stabilize your blood sugar... vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, greek yogurt.

    For the others - how were you tested for hypoglycemia? My doctor said it was hard to test for, so we're still just under the assumption that hypoglycemia is the problem.
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    Sometimes, especially after exercise or just sweating a lot, I get all shaky and have the urge to eat about 4 bowls of cereal. Now that I am on a diet, this is not an option. Last time it happened I fell into bed and slept for 2 hours. I consume over half my calories as healthful snacks, eating fruit, vegetables, nuts and turkey jerky. Any ideas

    you may want to have a protein and a carb just before working out,Me being a diabetic had the same issue before figuriing things out.When you exercise, your sugar drops lower,so if you eat and wait a while or don't eat at all before excerising your blood sugar dropps too low which can even cause you to go into a coma....never just go to sleep,always eat something first
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    You should be eating something healthy within 30 minutes of a hard workout. It will help with out of control cravings. Try to eat slowly and relish what is going in. These are a couple of great ones:

    Raw almonds - just 10 or 15 whole almonds now.

    Protein shake with your favorite fruit, or a bit of peanut butter, spinach, be creative.

    Or any low glycemic/low sugar foods.

    Eat slow - I get the four bowls craving but it will wipe out the progress and then some from your workout.

    Good luck!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have hypoglycemia and my doctor told me the best snacks for low blood sugar are high protein items like peanut butter or jerky. He said fruit is high in simple sugars and will cause your blood sugar to spike later.

    This! My dr & nutritionist both told me to make sure my pre-workout & post workout meals/snacks are a good balance of protein/carbs & sugar (not candy though). Whenever I have fruit, candy, cookie, etc...when my blood sugar dips it will bring it up but later on it will drop even lower than before. Although I do mix fruit & protein and that seems to work for me. :)

    Talk to a nutrititionist and see if you can get a machine to monitor your blood sugar until you can get it under control.

    Good luck!
  • I have low blood sugar and just started changing my eating habits about 3 weeks ago when i found out. I am eating more now and much more fat so i am starting with this program to log my food. it's helping already. I am not eating any carbs over 18 grams per serving and all are whole grain. i also got my coffee down to one cup a day, stopped eating sugar and switched to red wine only when i drink. In 3 weeks i have no more anxiety(was seeing a doctor for this and on zoloft and zanax.) no more headaches, no more shaking and other symptons are gone. I am still exercising and read alot online about hypoglycemia and low blood sugar. I would love to start a friends group with others who are trying to diet with low blood sugar. I have about 10 pounds to loose. let me know if anyones interested out there. I am a female 43 , mom of two and full time career also. good luck to all