anyone start their journey 150lbs and get down to 120? (specifically women)



  • Coffee_addict22
    Coffee_addict22 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5'8" started a year ago at 164 and am now maintaining (recomping) at around 145. What helps me is following progressive lifting schedule, food planning, cooking in big batches to eat leftovers, food tracking. I try to not eat out much at all. 2000-3000+ calories a day and adjust as needed. Hope this helps.. lift as heavy as you can!

    @flowerhorsey Wow girl thats awesome!I do some lifting...I love it!
  • Coffee_addict22
    Coffee_addict22 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a little taller, and not at goal yet, still have a ways to go. I was feeling stuck in the weight loss, I was maintaining well enough, but not losing. Like you though, too much eating out and "quick" meals out.

    Decided to start doing meal prep - no, its not easy for me as I'm currently working 7 days a week. But I'm in my 3rd week of it, and I have steadily lost weight since starting the meal prep. Always having a few prepped meals in the freezer means my excuses hold no water. It's faster to reheat a meal than it is to go through the drive-thru! I'm still refining the process, but seeing the scale finally move is working nicely to keep me motivated. It's helping with my food budget quite a bit too!

    this has been my problem too. I struggle with meal prep and sometimes food gets wasted which I hate. my husband and I are picky eaters. Its just hard to find things that taste good to eat.
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm 5'2". Last year I went from 137 to 115. I ate between 1200-1500 a day to lose weight. I've been maintaining for ten months now and I eat about 2000 calories a day. Being more active can help give you a calorie deficit. Honestly, it's just hard work. If you have a bad meal don't let it turn into a bad day and don't let a bad day turn into a bad week and then get totally thrown off course. Having friends here really helped to keep me motivated. Good luck!

    @BeccaLoves2lift WOW girl! Thats such an inspiration! Would you be willing to share what you ate on a typical day? I think thats where I am failing the most. I don't have a good routine. I'll skip breakfast, snacker lunch, and then realize I'm starving at supper and overeat. I don't know what to eat at that calorie bracket. I feel like I can't eat anything.

    For breakfast I usually ate an egg with a dry piece of wheat toast, or an egg and oatmeal, or an egg/egg white omelette. Snack was a protein shake or cottage cheese with a few berries. Lunch was usually salad with chicken or tuna, afternoon snack was usually fruit and a string cheese or half a serving of nuts or nut butter, and dinner was chicken or fish with a green veggie and if I had room sweet potato or rice. I measured and weighed all of my food, I think that's the key. Good luck!
  • jmriley319
    jmriley319 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m 5’1” and just starting out again after baby number two at 150lbs. It’s only my second day but I’m starting to log what I’m eating again, I’ve started a 1k mike running challenge and a 30 day abs challenge. I’m one of those who can’t seem to loose weight on just dieting alone, I have to find the time to exercise. Even if it’s after the babies go to bed when I feel I should be spending more time with my husband, even just a half hour 3x/week makes a difference! Hang in there, and I’ll try to too lol. When I meal prep or at least try to plan what I’m going to eat the next day, that’s a big help too. I had been going to fast food joints quite a bit more than a realized and have been staying away from them now
  • EmilyCowlard2016
    EmilyCowlard2016 Posts: 84 Member
    nhorton5 wrote: »
    I'm 5'3" and started on here March 1st at 165lbs. I'm now at 143 and still have a weekly loss of 1-2lbs. My calorie target is 1800 and most days I am under that, on average I would say I eat 1500 a day. I don't tend to eat anything that's processed, which is a great help. I am very active and currently I swim 3x, run 3x, spin 4x, yoga 2x and will also try and get out on my bike once a week.

    This exercise schedule sounds very effective but also gruelling. I was wondering how you fit it all in. Do you do two a day workouts? Like swim in the morning and then yoga at night? Do you incorporate any wright training?

    I'm also 5'4" and currently 160. I'm trying to get down to 145 at least with daily exercise and keeping calories around 1300. Typically circuit training or weightlifting 3x and cardio 3x, usually spin although I also like swimming and boxing to mix it up. I'm currently struggling to see results, but I think it was due to drinking on the weekend. I very recently started to see a personal trainer to help with accountability and I also quit drinking on the weekend so hopefully this will help.