New To this WHOLE thing

I Just joined a couple of days ago, I have never really been happy with myself per say my weight has always been up and down, but now i feel like i want to control it i want to eat better and work out and the whole nine yards, i found this site and I think it is going to be a major Tool in my weight loss goal, I am looking for new friends who can help support me and encourage me because im sure this motivation will start to decline when It starts getting harder!


  • cheyenne_alexis
    cheyenne_alexis Posts: 69 Member
    i joined a couple months ago, and loved it ! the people are so nice and make losing weight so much easier, it will be a new challenge but will become your new way of life ! good luck on your journey :)
  • Toonica
    Toonica Posts: 9 Member
    i have been using this site for 25 days now and its really helpful. i track everything i put in my mouth, and i drink TONS OF WATER! ive lost 10 pounds so far..seventy more to go. GOOD LUCK!!