can i loose wait while loosing fat ??

I was initially 91 kg when I started the gym . After 1 year I am 77 now . Now I want to build muscle . How can I approach my goal ?? I want to gain lean muscle mass


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Your title and post are conflicting goals. Do you want to..
    -Continue to lose weight but retain muscle
    -Maintain your weight and lose fat and gain muscle over time
    -Gain weight .. muscle and some fat that comes with it

    What you do will depend on your goals, stats, bodyfat%, comfort level, etc.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited May 2018
    Same general advice for everyone who starts a thread like this.
    I'm sure you could have found it with the Search function:

    Read "Starting Strength / SS" and / or "Bigger Leaner Stronger / BLS".

    Free online program but without as much training / nutrition advice: StrongLifts 5×5 / SL5x5

    All of the programs have phone apps, but I think BLS is iPhone only.

    Follow the program(s) as written for 4 to 6 months.
    Around that time, you can evaluate your progress and either keep going or move to one of the other (or related) programs.

    I would start with SS or SL5x5 but still read BLS for the training and nutrition advice.

    If you just want to "cut fat" and make the muscles more visible then the the workout in BLS could be a better place to start but you will miss out on the strength gains of the other 2 programs.

    If you aren't around the numbers below for 2 or more of the listed exercises then you are still a "novice" and should probably still be doing something like SS or SL5x5 (beginner strength programs) until you are.

    Deadlift 2x body weight
    Squat 1.5x body weight
    Bench 1.25x body weight
    Press 1x body weight

    Once you are around those numbers and / or you fail to make progress for 3 weeks including deloads, you might change to BLS or look into more advanced programming such as:

    Practical Programming for Strength Training (3rd Edition)
    5/3/1: The Simplest and Most Effective Training System for Raw Strength (2nd Edition)

    It is going to be hard to keep losing weight (fat loss means cutting calories) AND gaining muscle (requires extra calories) for very long.
    You can get stronger (up to a point) without putting on a lot of extra muscle so you must eat to grow. An extra 250 to 500 calories a day is usually enough for most people. Start on the low end and add 100 calories (if needed) every 3 weeks until your weight goes up.

    You have a lot of learning and few years of work to do.

    After all of this you would be ready to move onto "bodybuilding" programs if you'd like.

    [Disclosure: These are the guidelines for the guys I coach, but you are not one of those guys so YMMV]