The scales say I’m losing but my appearance does not show

I have managed to lose 26 pounds in less than 2 weeks. But I have done a complete eating habit change and started P90X. When I started on 1 Aug I was 307 pounds and today I’m 281. But for what I can tell I still look the same, I have plans on quitting but I was curious on when will I notice physical changes. One the scales I feel awesome but in the mirror I look like Homer J Simpson lol. Just want to hear what other have to say about this.


  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I had pretty much the same experience as you when I first started getting back into it.

    Complete revamp of my eatting, P90X, and quitting caffiene drinks.

    After that first 20 lbs, i FELT better, but didn't necessarily look a lot different.

    If you are feeling good, why quit? A good deal of the weight you notice right off is water weight, the results will come.

    Hang in there brother.

    I was 230 on July 4th. I'm 207 Today.

    My clothes are starting to fit different and I have more energy.
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    The changes are gradual and your skin needs a hot minute to react to the weight loss.. You see yourself everyday so unless you take pictures it's going to be hard to see a difference, but there IS a difference, trust me.. Just start taking shirtless pictures of yourself and date them.
  • Maybe YOU just aren't seeing it? I know, I'm terrible at that... the last time I tried to lose weight, I lost 25 lbs and I thought I looked exactly the same, but my friends all disagreed. Maybe try measurements if you are going to continue, as well as the scale? That might give you a better idea.
  • hang in there! Try taking measurements
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Yes, measurements too! It's nice to see inches coming off the tape!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Yeah don't quit... Nobody likes a quitter :( It didn't take you two weeks to put the weight on did it? It won't take you two weeks to take it off but every day you will look a little bit better and before you know if you won't recognize your old self. Keep it up. You could be like me, I have lost like 3 pounds in two months and worked dam hard for those 3 pounds! That's discouraging.. Keep up the great work! You can do it!!

    and if you do quit and gain the weight you lost back.. it will take you forever to lose it, that's called yo yo dieting and it's bad for your metabolism. You are doing good now because you are making a life style change. imagine what you will look like in another 2 weeks if you keep it up or another month form now.. ?? That's motivation! You got it now!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    definitely take measurements - scales are not the only indicator of progress!

    and don't quit!

    honestly, sometimes it just takes us a while for our brain to catch up with our bodies. when i first lost weight, i would go shopping and buy my old size or think those sizes would fit me, but they didn't. it just takes longer for us to see our own progress.

    keep it up! sounds like you've done great so far !
  • Toonica
    Toonica Posts: 9 Member
    MEASUREMENTS!! Thats the best way, im sure everyone else can see though. GOOD LUCK!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    have you taken into consideration you may be replacing fat with muscle?
    because weight is lost slowly, you may not really notice a change.
    Before, during and after pics are always a good way to see results =)
  • Keep going! promise you'll see change, it just takes time!
  • have you taken into consideration you may be replacing fat with muscle?
    because weight is lost slowly, you may not really notice a change.
    Before, during and after pics are always a good way to see results =)

    agree with this! Especially since your doing p90x
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I think you should take measurements every 2-4 weeks & take pictures the same day u measure, that way your brain cant play tricks w your eyes. & u can see the difference.