BMR question

Hi, I joined mfp two weeks ago through the android app. I have been eating 1200 calories a day and exercising but not eating my exercise calories. The first week I lost 6 lbs but this week i lost nothing but i put it down to not sticking to my calorie intake at the weekend. However I just checked my bmr and its 1474, is that how many calories I should be eating? 1200 does seem low though I am not hungry on it but I want to lose weight the healthy way.

Many thanks


  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    BMR is what your body burns daily without doing if you sat on the couch all day. What is your height and weight if you don't mind my asking?

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thanks, I'm 5'5 and 165 lbs.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    BMR is your basal rate, like the other poster said (if you stay in bed thats how much you need to maintain). you need to add an activity level to that to find your T.E.E. or total energy expenditure..which is what you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight.
  • I workout about 4-5 times a week doing bootcamp, zumba and spin but i have a desk job. At the moment I have been sticking to my 1200 calories and not eating my exercise calories earned. I'm worried that 1200 calories is too low though but I have no idea what approach to take to work out what I should be eating. My friend is also on 1200 calories and she's 2 stone lighter than me so I don't see how we both can need to eat the same amount.

    After reading some other posts I thought that I have to eat my bmr calories to lose but if that's only going to maintain my weight than maybe I should stick to my 1200 calories that mfp has set for me?
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like you are doing the right things...keep to the calorie limit set by the site. By the way, MFP tends to estimate calorie burns a little high, so unless you are using a heart rate monitor to acurately calculate your burn, I wouldn't eat back all of your exercise calories that MFP tells you to. I think the initial 6 pounds was mostly water weight. Just be patient and prepare to hit a plateau now and again and you'll watch the weight fall off...good luck :)
  • Thanks for the advice kellie and good luck too.