Advice welcome



  • Grnhouse
    Grnhouse Posts: 254 Member
    edited January 2018
    DDD is serious. Please listen to your doctor. Take it slow whatever you do and listen to your body. I’ve had some great PT help me w my lower back and build core strength. It’s a slow journey so be careful with any weight lifting. Swimming helps a lot and jus5 walking in the water.
  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    Grnhouse wrote: »
    DDD is serious. Please listen to your doctor. Take it slow whatever you do and listen to your body. I’ve had some great PT help me w my lower back and build core strength. It’s a slow journey so be careful with any weight lifting. Swimming helps a lot and jus5 walking in the water.
    What types of pt are you doing? I was doing stretching and bands but it didn’t help me much. I maybe for like a 3 week time period then I didn’t feel anything getting stronger. How bad was your back when u started?
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    edited February 2018
    jplay86 wrote: »
    I’m not new to fitness. However I have digenerative disc disease and spinal stinosis. My doc had warned me against doing any lower back lifting what so ever. I’m fairly strong and love to workout. I have been told that swimming and walking will help strengthen my lower back but so far nothing has happened. So I guess I have to rely a lot on diet at this point to shed the extra fat. If anyone has any ideas on how this is achievable I would appreciate the advice greatly

    Try water jogging if water walking is too easy for you, deep water aerobics, and doing slow lap swimming. I have DDD, spinal stenosis and sacroilliac joint dysfunction and lap swimming has really helped me. I weaned myself off my pain meds.

    If your pool has a nice jacuzzi spa, consider trying it before and/or after your swims your dr approves.

    I love my YMCA! I love swimming, because I keep it fun, which makes my longer workouts easier to do.
  • jplay86
    jplay86 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks. I was curious about these but wasn’t sure if it was too strenuous. Well outside of swimming. This was very insightful