PCOS, insulin resistance, thyroid issues and antidepressants: how to lose weight despite these??

Okay so I have PCOS, insulin resistance, thyroid issues (it goes up and down) and I'm on antidepressants that commonly cause weight gain. But all that aside, I also compulsively eat, mainly when I am overly emotional/depressed/anxious. And I eat way too much. I feel like I am stuck in this body I dont want to be in and I wish so bad I could be beautiful and thinner. Like this is NOT the body I was meant to have. And sometimes I think I look beautiful in the mirror, but then I remember the scale says 207... and I'm 5'1.. so I've been trying so so hard to lose weight the past few months but I haven't lost much weight at all. I've even tried throwing up or taking laxatives after binges (I know, doesn't work and isn't healthy and I stopped doing it after some research on the results of throwing up after or taking laxatives). I tried restricting to 800, 700 cals. I tried 1200. I usually eat around 1400 if I am counting and keeping an eye out on what I am eating. but no weight loss. I tried lipozene but it gave me racing heart and stomach aches constantly. I'm so tired and I never feel like exercising and I feel hopeless. What do I do to stop this stupid awful cycle of binging/getting depressed and trying (failing) to start over again? I know this is insanely long and maybe I should have left this issue to talk to a therapist about but I'm feeling desperate. Anyone have any ideas on how to lose weight fast and to feel happy in my own skin?? thanks so much ahead of time. :)


  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    1400 or 1600 i meant*
  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    and I don't want to eat- i HATE food and eating and feeling full but I get in these moods where I feel like food will help me feel happy. It never does but I keep going back to it.
  • baerbum
    baerbum Posts: 1 Member
    Start of by Walking around the block, fast walk Drink a glass of warm water to help reduce cravings.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    I also have PCOS and I’m sticking to a lower carb diet of 100-120g of carbs a day and 100g of protein the rest is fat. My total calorie limit is 1500. I had really intense cravings but they are getting better with this macro split so maybe you could try the same. That being said I only have 24-28lbs to lose I’m 153 lbs right now. Have you started any exercise? For some people exercise helps them because it boosts endorphins so they end up eating better. Magnesium has been shown to help with depression and anxiety (it helped me a lot!) so give that a go. Maybe you should only focus on small changes and that will help to nudge you in the right direction.
  • kpsyche
    kpsyche Posts: 345 Member
    edited May 2018
    xxzenabxx wrote: »
    I also have PCOS and I’m sticking to a lower carb diet of 100-120g of carbs a day and 100g of protein the rest is fat. My total calorie limit is 1500. I had really intense cravings but they are getting better with this macro split so maybe you could try the same. That being said I only have 24-28lbs to lose I’m 153 lbs right now. Have you started any exercise? For some people exercise helps them because it boosts endorphins so they end up eating better. Magnesium has been shown to help with depression and anxiety (it helped me a lot!) so give that a go. Maybe you should only focus on small changes and that will help to nudge you in the right direction.

    Some SSRI anti-depressants can have drug interactions -- or increase the risk of side effects -- with magnesium. Best to check with a Dr before taking magnesium (or other, for that matter) supplements.

    ETA: https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/magnesium-citrate.html
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Have you discussed your weight gain with the doctor prescribing the antidepressants? Ask if it is possible to take something which wouldn't have that side effect.

    Thyroid should be no problem as long as you are on the right dosage. Insulin resistance and PCOS won't keep you from losing weight, but many people with them do better on a low or at least lower carb diet. Exercise also has a large impact on insulin resistance (and depression, for that matter).

    The way to prevent restrict/binge cycles is not to restrict too much in the first place. Eat moderately, no more than 250 calories under maintenance, get some exercise, and eat your exercise calories back. You should start slowly losing weight. How long have you been at this weight? Isn't a slow, sure loss better than years of binging and starving and not losing?

    By the way, it's okay to think you look beautiful in the mirror. Many large people are beautiful, and it's possible to be beautiful despite not being the weight you want to be.
  • sarahhie
    sarahhie Posts: 16 Member
    I think you would do well to get your cortisol and insulin under control - which will be whacko with thyroid and depression problems. The PCOS and depression makes me think that you are running sky high on insulin - even if your glucose is normal. I hesitate to recommend a keto diet as I don't think it is appropriate for everyone and can be very problematic for thyroid concerns, but maybe give that a try for 6-8 weeks. Read up on it though - don't just jump in. After 8 weeks, you could think about adding in more carbs, but you still want them to all come from leafy greens and minimal berries (no high sugar fruits and definitely no grains - obviously desserts are out). Be prepared for carbs to not be possible for you however. On top of that, you absolutely need low impact exercise (not high impact because of your cortisol and thyroid problems), meditation and good sleep. Consider gentle yoga and breathing meditations on a daily basis. ~ And don't forget to laugh. :smile:
  • kjalty
    kjalty Posts: 6 Member
    I have PCOS and used to be an emotional eater. Everyone has given great advice already!

    I'm on a low carb diet and try to make sure i log everything I eat and drink. If I feel stressed or letting things get to me I go for a run, dance or just talk to someone. I've find with having PCOS the only thing that really works is exercising and watching what I eat.

    Set a goal maybe, just a little one and then after you've reached that one then set another. Achieving something no matter how small it is might make you feel better.

    Be kinder to yourself, don't put yourself down or you'll never break the cycle. Try noticing the things about yourself that you do like! Maybe pamper yourself, get your hair done or just do something nice for yourself to give youself a boost. It all takes time and doesn't happen fast. There are no quick fixes.
  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    xxzenabxx wrote: »
    I also have PCOS and I’m sticking to a lower carb diet of 100-120g of carbs a day and 100g of protein the rest is fat. My total calorie limit is 1500. I had really intense cravings but they are getting better with this macro split so maybe you could try the same. That being said I only have 24-28lbs to lose I’m 153 lbs right now. Have you started any exercise? For some people exercise helps them because it boosts endorphins so they end up eating better. Magnesium has been shown to help with depression and anxiety (it helped me a lot!) so give that a go. Maybe you should only focus on small changes and that will help to nudge you in the right direction.
    That is great!! thank you :) I will definetly look up that magnesium. I haven't really exercised much, except maybe once a week a short walk and sometimes like a few minutes of sit ups/squats/push ups
  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you everyone for the wonderful and kind advice :):) I will absolutely be looking into all these things you guys said!! I had a second question though- what are your thoughts on splenda/aspatame/stevia etc? like artificial sweeteners. Do they stop you from losing or have bad impacts on health? I drink a lot of diet soda and have stevia in a lot of smoothies and homemade desserts to cut down on sugars.
  • mandiegold941
    mandiegold941 Posts: 67 Member
    I am in a similar situation. I have about 20 lbs left to lose. My problem lately is that I am very low energy. I do workout a lot, 4-5 days a week, fairly intense. But I feel like I could sleep all day. I hate getting out of bed.
  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    I am in a similar situation. I have about 20 lbs left to lose. My problem lately is that I am very low energy. I do workout a lot, 4-5 days a week, fairly intense. But I feel like I could sleep all day. I hate getting out of bed.

    yes!! i know what that feels like. Its awful :( I hope you can feel better soon!!
  • mandiegold941
    mandiegold941 Posts: 67 Member
    I wish I knew if it was more physical or psychological. I'm well educated in this stuff but when it comes to me, I can't figure it out.
  • cdrolls704
    cdrolls704 Posts: 1 Member
    I have endometriosis, had a hysterectomy, and am also on medication for severe anxiety and ocd. I went from 135 to now 185 due to several surgeries in a row and being unable to do any physical activity. My doctor put me on Prozac for the anxiety, and it didn’t make me gain any weight so maybe you can try switching to that? Eliminating gluten can also help in women with pcos. There’s no “quick” way to getting healthy, and those who do lose quickly with pills or ridiculous diets tend to gain it all back. Slow and steady, take your time, make the lifestyle changes, get active, and you’ll start seeing results. As far as aspartame, give it up and throw it all in the trash. Diet soda is HORRIBLE for you and throws your body all out of whack. Is causes belly fat, headaches, thyroid problems, the list goes on.