Any MilSOs?

Hello, everyone!
I am doing my best to build a support system for myself. I am interested in connecting with all kinds of people but in particular military spouses that are dealing with a current/upcoming deployment. I am a SAHM to two children, one elementary aged, one almost a year old. I want to increase my fitness level to feel better about myself, but more importantly to be able to handle the physical strain of parenting alone better.

My husband is leaving in a few months, I'd really like to see him off at a healthier place in my life. I welcome support from all sources, but if you are in a similar situation please feel free to add me.

Thanks in advance!


  • AmberWazdrag1228
    AmberWazdrag1228 Posts: 9 Member
    I’m not a current MilSO. My husband got out of the Marine Corps last year after spending 10 years on active duty. 4 deployments, 2 children, 3 duty stations. I understand the struggles you go through, I have been in your shoes. I know how exceptionally hard it is to be a military wife with children. We focus all our time and energy on everyone but ourselves & weight loss isn’t easy. Add me if you need any kind of support system.