What is a good/healthy meal to have before a night of drinki

Getting my tequila on tomorrow night lol. Would like suggestions on what is a good yet healthy meal to have beforehand. Normally I would eat a bowl of pasta or some pizza, buuuuuut I want to stay as healthy as possible since the alcohol is going to take up most of my calories xD

And please no suggestions on to keep the tequila at a moderate level, because that is not an option ;3

I actually have to run, so I look forward to reading all of your suggestions when I get back!


  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Have a nice piece of chicken and veggies- maybe a stir fry! Still eat!!!!! You are going to go over anyways don't decrease you food intake....TRUST ME.....its not a great scene if you do! Enjoy your night out!!!!! But please remember to still eat!!!!!
  • nitka653
    nitka653 Posts: 97 Member
    I agree with hyde1977. Maybe take a few walks or work out a bit longer earlier in the day to make up for it.
  • MyTransformation
    I like the idea of the stir fry , but I would add a complex carb like brown rice. It's very filling (and I think your stomache will thank you later!) Be sure to also take a B12 & B6 either before you go out or right before bed...you're body will thank you in the morning! (It really helps detour a hangover!)

  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    I agree! A chicken stir fry or chicken fajita (home made, of course to keep the additives at bay). Check out some recipes online. I tried one tonight. In fact I still have it in my computer. Here it is...

  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    This is probably awful advice, but it's something I would do. If you eat beforehand, the alcohol will probably affect you less than on a fairly empty stomach. So my recommendation is to bring WITH you some healthy snacks for when you're drunk and want to eat everything in sight. You won't have to drink as much AND you'll have something with you when you get hungry.

    That's what I would do, anyway. Less alcohol to get me drunksy = fewer calories.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I enjoy a drink as much as anyone, so remember, alcohol is essentially a poison so eating "healthy" an hour before is almost a meaningless statement.

    I would recommend a decent meal protein and carbs before you imbibe, otherwise you might get very very sick.

    After you drink, but before you go to bed, take a multivitamin, two aspirin and drink a big glass of water.

  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    agreed with all that has been said! tequila lover myself! protein and loved the brown rice idea...great complex car

    (inlander has a great point too....) LOL

    have a blast! Cheers :-D
  • morffster
    Ok I’m guessing it’s yours or someone else’s 21st birthday party. So I understand the drinking part. I don’t know how many days you have to start preparing your body for this but the sooner you start the better. Eat a heavy amount of raw veggies; get all the minerals and vitamins in you that you can. Cut out all the sugar you can between now and then. And last but probably the most important drink plenty of water. Start now today and drink it all day long from the first meal until close to bed time, don’t drink soft drinks or coffee and count it as water the thing you should be doing is trying to hydrate your cells. The reason I say drink water all day is this, your body can only absorb so much at one time so drink copious amounts of water and allow your body to absorb it. Then the next day after the party continue drinking water it will help with any lingering hangover you may have. Alcohol removes water form your body so give yourself a fighting chance to come out feeling good the next day and hydrate and load yourself up with all the natural vitamins and minerals you can. Hope you have a good time at the party and let me know how you felt the next day.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys ! I'll be walking around the Detroit Zoo all day tomorrow so hopefully that will be enough exercise, but I think I'll go for a run before the party too D:

    I'm a seasoned drinker so a hangover is the least of my worries :P but appreciate all the tips all the same!
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    This is probably awful advice, but it's something I would do. If you eat beforehand, the alcohol will probably affect you less than on a fairly empty stomach. So my recommendation is to bring WITH you some healthy snacks for when you're drunk and want to eat everything in sight. You won't have to drink as much AND you'll have something with you when you get hungry.

    That's what I would do, anyway. Less alcohol to get me drunksy = fewer calories.

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