I need friends.

I've been on here a while... I long while. Probably a little less than a year. And you know what? My network hasn't grown in months. I need:
A) accountability partners
B) people with senses of humor (particularly an appreciation of sarcasm, even if their speech is devoid of its usage)
C) people with a ton of weight-loss knowledge
D) people with NO weight-loss knowledge to speak of
E) everyone in between

So add me! With or without message. I'm an equal opportunity friend solicitor.

Let's be My Fitness Pal Fitness Pals, pal!


  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm in, friend!
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I know I am either C,D, or E!!!!! lol
  • greatdragon
  • losgan
    losgan Posts: 26 Member
    I'm really new here and I can always use friends AND motivation! I'm in :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • streese50
    streese50 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Friend!

    I'm in.
  • natifan2
    natifan2 Posts: 13
    What is this sarcasm you speak of?:) Hey, this isn't my Facebook page...where am I? Seriously, I am available for friending:)
  • carloP90X
    carloP90X Posts: 109
    count me in!
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    I'm B and E. My brother is a personal trainer for a very high end gym and he's joined to help out people. He goes under the handle moefitt and I promise you if you reach out to him he will help you.

    Example: We had a discussion last weekend about my treadmill running. He told me that I was running too fast and that was why I couldn't complete a mile. Guess what? I slowed it down by 1 mph and now run over 2 miles without gasping for air! We're all here to help one another, that's how I feel about this site!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Feel free to add me!!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I'm in :)
  • oyvonnee
    oyvonnee Posts: 116 Member
    I've been on here a while... I long while. Probably a little less than a year. And you know what? My network hasn't grown in months. I need:
    A) accountability partners
    B) people with senses of humor (particularly an appreciation of sarcasm, even if their speech is devoid of its usage)
    C) people with a ton of weight-loss knowledge
    D) people with NO weight-loss knowledge to speak of
    E) everyone in between

    So add me! With or without message. I'm an equal opportunity friend solicitor.

    Let's be My Fitness Pal Fitness Pals, pal!

    I think I may qualify.
    A. I can kick your butt when you need it but I like being a positive motivator -- most of the time.
    B. Smart aleck is the nice version my friends use to describe me
    C. If losing, gaining, losing, gaining is no knowledge- hey 3 for 3!
    D. I'm everyone and I'm often in between.

    Man 4 for 4 - I feel STUPENDOUS! or is that just STUPID. Nope, I'm sticking with STUPENDOUS!

    Count me in! Friending you!
    Yvonne :-)
  • olso123
    olso123 Posts: 192 Member
    Count me in!
  • undermajorconstruction
    I'm game
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I don't know anything about nothing. do I count?
  • victoriashea
    I don't know anything about nothing. do I count?

    Hey! Category D! Join us, and welcome...
  • SCMitchell22
    Hi! You cAn Add me too! Im new, hAve no clue how to Add ppl yet.
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I will definitely be your friend! And I know everything about nothing.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    B and E...lol

    Also did you hear there is an actual Sarcasam font. It will help ensure people like me are no longer misunderstood in email and text conversations...ha ha