New and needing some friends and support!

Hey everyone! This is my first time using this app and I definitely need some motivation and support because I can never seem to stick to any diet I try and I want this time to be a success so please feel free to add me because I really need some friends to get through this! ☺


  • sangeetpriyadarshi
    sangeetpriyadarshi Posts: 12 Member
    I share your views as I too find myself in same situation...
  • JMed29
    JMed29 Posts: 94 Member
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks JMed29! And yeah sangeetpriyadarshi I have always given into temptation but this time I want it more than I ever have before and I'm so ready to lose this weight and be successful for once!
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    Hey :) best thing which seems to be working really well for me is to not follow any strict diet plan, as soon as someone tells me what to do I rebel! What I’ve done is researched loads about healthy foods and simple carbs, complex carbs, gluten, protein, weight lifting etc and I’ve just designed my own eating plan that suits my office worker lifestyle .. I’ve lost 4lbs in 2 weeks so far and this is the most I’ve achieved in a long time x
  • sangeetpriyadarshi
    sangeetpriyadarshi Posts: 12 Member
    Sure MJ (hope you don't mind calling MJ). Hope I too achieve my goal. I wanna add inspiring people like you who are determined to get down to correct shape. I don't know how to add friends..may please guide me
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Your exactly right Mandylou19912014! That's why I have told myself that I'm going to eat some of the things I always eat so I don't feel too restricted but at the same time I'm going to try to eat healthier as well so I hope this works! Another problem I have is watching my family eat sweets and other junk foods and being able to tell myself no because it seems like after that first time I give in and cheat then it all goes downhill from there! And I'm glad to hear that this app actually works if u stick to it and at least try!
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Sangeetpriyadarshi I would add u but I too don't know how to add people just yet so maybe someone can help us out with that!... And yes MJ is fine and Mary is my actual name but MJ was actually one of my nicknames growing up just like MaryJane is one of my nicknames as well! Lol
  • JaiNicole7
    JaiNicole7 Posts: 88 Member
    I joined MFP in February after several failed weight loss attempts in the past. I've lost about 13 lbs so far, and the support and encouragement I've received here has really helped. I'll send you guys both friend requests. To add a friend, you click on the person to go to their profile, and there will be a button to click that says add friend. :)
  • sangeetpriyadarshi
    sangeetpriyadarshi Posts: 12 Member
    edited May 2018
    Regarding eating I too don't follow die hard rules. I hit gym and I try to eat healthy and avoid sugar but yeah some days I too break this rule..i am not looking for overnight transformation so this approach may take longer time for me but I am okay with it..MJ you can call me SP
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank u JaiNicole7! And also I was wondering... did u do anything else besides track your calories to loose the 13 pounds? I'm just trying to figure out a plan because I work a lot and I never know what my schedule is going to be which sometimes makes meal planning hard and I can never get on an eating schedule because I work front desk at a hotel and honestly one day they will have me working 1st shift and then 2 days later I'm working 3rd shift so I can never get a routine down! Probably the only thing I'm thankful of is that I do get to walk around a lot and I'm not just stick at the desk! Lol
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Okay SP! ☺ I going to try to eat a lot healthier than what I do now but my biggest problem is that I'm a very picky eater and unfortunately all the things I like are the ones that are the most unhealthy for u... Pasta is my favorite honestly and I don't like many vegetables and could literally count the ones I will eat on one hand which is why I have gained so much weight lately... Being 30 years old I've come to realize that people really weren't lying when they said the older u get the harder it is to lose weight... I guess I was just stubborn and had to learn this lesson the hard way! Lol
  • briannefp
    briannefp Posts: 5 Member
    Try hiding your veggies in your pasta! I love adding cauliflower to ricotta for stuffing but you can also pick pastas that are made from veggies it tones down the flavor of the veggies! I also add shredded carrot to my spaghetti sauce for sweetness and it's been 3 years and my husband still hasn't noticed!
  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    hi how are u i am john feel free to ad me as a friend
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2018
    Omg that is hilarious!! That's awesome... 3 years and he still hasn't noticed!! Lol and that is a good idea but I have it stuck in my head that pasta has too many carbs to loose the weight I want to loose so I feel like I'm not supposed to eat it when I do... what r your thoughts on that? In your opinion do u thinks pasta is too many carbs or no?
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi John and okay I will
  • briannefp
    briannefp Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 2018
    It is but it works lol. He loves veggies but it's my little secret. I always try to come up with ways to pack in the nutrients I also trade turkey for ground beef if it's submerged in a sauce or seasoning like tacos or spaghetti. Made lasagne one night that had turkey and cauliflower carrots and zucchini everyone loved it and no one had a clue HA! Mom for the win.
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    Lol right! I might just have to try that one on my kids and see if it works!
  • kirsty_6221
    kirsty_6221 Posts: 2 Member
    New to my fitness plan too! I've been doing it since 13th may and I've lost 7lb so far, in need of some motivation from others to continue and share ideas! X
  • MaryJane0803
    MaryJane0803 Posts: 11 Member
    edited May 2018
    That is awesome Kirsty!! Did u do anything extra to lost it so fast?! Those are the type of results I'm trying to get!
  • sangeetpriyadarshi
    sangeetpriyadarshi Posts: 12 Member
    MJ if you love pasta eat the healthy one wheat pasta (the Brown one) and if you don't like veggies go on for protein rich non veg diet like herbal grilled chicken steamed fish tofu soya etc