Hi. One Week in. I have questions.

Okay. Hi. I am a week in, and think I've had a good week. I'm on a losing trend, which is A+. However, I want to ask a question. I feel hungry a lot. So much of the time. Like within 2 hours of eating all of the time. i've even been going to bed hungry. Is this normal? Is my body just used to eating too much and now that I'm eating fewer calories it can't keep up? Help?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    To be honest, I've never felt hungry even while dieting except when I was getting close to meals. Are you eating enough calories? Fat/fiber/protein are filling to a lot of people, are you meeting those totals?
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    If you set your diary to public, you're more likely to get good advice.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It takes a while for the body/stomach to get used to having less calories.
    Are you eating enough calories? if you have chosen too aggressive a calorie deficit its likely you will feel hungry.
    Plenty of protein/fat/fibre will help.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Agree with everything above. In the developed world we are unused to feeling really hungry and can get a bit fed up when our fuel tanks are running low. Nowadays I quite like the feeling of not being full and welcome the growly tummy feeling I get before my meals. However, I am a volume eater and while I do try and get enough protein and fats in my diet I love filling my plate with veggies/salads etc as slowly ploughing my way through all that chewing makes me feel more satisfied. I find the addition of beans, pulses and some grains (I use Pearly Barley quite a lot) can make my meals stay with me longer. Provided you are committed and maintain a sensible deficit while logging accurately you will find what suits you. Don't be afraid to experiment and don't fall into the pitfall of thinking that you can only eat 'diet food', so many of those are just air. Eat good wholesome food, just not too much of it ;) Good Luck - enjoy the journey
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Okay. Hi. I am a week in, and think I've had a good week. I'm on a losing trend, which is A+. However, I want to ask a question. I feel hungry a lot. So much of the time. Like within 2 hours of eating all of the time. i've even been going to bed hungry. Is this normal? Is my body just used to eating too much and now that I'm eating fewer calories it can't keep up? Help?

    I had a different thought reading your post. I have to eat every few hours to not feel hungry. I eat smaller "meals", usually a veggie and a protein and it keeps me satiated. It really does not matter if I eat a lot or a little but if I do not eat regularly I am hungry. If you are truly hungry, you may try spreading your food out or adding in smaller calorie snacks between meals. Drinking a lot of water helps me also. Another thing I do is chew gum or eat a few mints.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    An adjustment period when you change your diet, activity and routine can be normal. Being really hungry all the time is less normal.
    Ask yourself:
    Have you cut down how much you are eating by 1,000 calories or more a day? Your deficit may be too aggresive. You may be better off easing into it or choosing a slower rate of loss. You want to lose in a way you can sustain.
    Did you log exercise and eat back at least some of the calories added from that? You are supposed to eat more with exercise with MFP.
    Are you getting enough protein, fats and fiber? These things help people feel more satisfied.
    Have you changed times you eat and need to get used to a new schedule? Maybe spread your calories out more and leave enough for a small snack in the evening.
    Are you confusing hunger with thirst? Try drinking water and waiting 20 minutes to see if the feeling goes away.

    I personally eat every 3-5 hours throughout the day. I get hungry around meal times. I am not hungry all day and night.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You may want to tinker a bit with what you're eating. Different people find different foods keep then satisfied longer. For some it's fiber, some protein, etc. Experiment a bit to find what works for you.
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm a week into using WW Freestyle and I can honestly say I have not been hungry. I do admit that I still have a few weak moments where I crave something I have given up, but mostly I am satisfied. I love fresh fruit and vegetables, so I eat them in abundance. Hard-boiled eggs are good to add protein and few calories, yet they help with feeling empty. I think low-calorie protein foods will help you. You body will adjust to eating less and less; give it time.