Feeling bad at the gym tonight



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Don't feel bad because you want to help. Just don't actually offer help unless it is asked for.
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    So am I being harsh? I feel judgemental, but also frustrated..I know what can be accomplished with pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.

    Yes, you're being harsh. First, why are you even paying attention to her? I have to say, I always avoided the gym for years b/c of exactly what has happened here. Fear that some thinner person would be monitoring me and then talking about me behind my back, judging, posting about it on facebook, etc. And everyone always told me "Oh, people at the gym will be happy that you're just doing what you can. Just welcome you to the fitness world. No one will even notice you because they're doing their own thing." Well, this is proof that my hunches were at least somewhat right.

    Maybe she was doing all she could do. I'm sure it took courage and dedication to go to the gym. Maybe this is her first week. Maybe she hasn't been off the couch in years. Maybe JUST being there WAS her being outside of her comfort zone. Who knows, but this is her journey...it doesn't need judgment.

    I couldn't agree more with this! I was the same way when I first started. I used to tell myself that I wouldn't join a gym until I lost weight so people wouldn't judge me... that woman probably was doing what she could and I kinda think you're rude for judging her!

    A few nights ago there was a girl next to me on the treadmill doing 2.3 miles an hour (BIG girl!), she was on there for about 4 minutes before she decided she was done... when she go off the machine, the poor girl slipped and fell! I can't tell you how many people, including myself, were there within a few seconds helping her up and asking if she was ok! There was no judgement there BY ANYONE. Every person who was there was seemingly in the mindset of "Congrats for making an effort!"

    You need to remember, MOST of us were all right there with the girl in your story and the girl in my story when we first started out... luckily no one judged us! They are making an effort and they are probably doing what they can while they are starting out - it will increase with time!
  • LordRahl
    LordRahl Posts: 48 Member
    Don't feel too bad, at least you did not say anything, like you mention maybe it was her answers to the show that caught your attention.

    If you want to help, maybe start with a conversation and get to know her, become a friend. It is easier to have a friend give you advice than a stranger, especially in an environment where a person may not feel that confident.

    Best of luck,
  • PatientBear
    Ok, I'm going to play on both sides of the fence here. Yes, you are being harsh BUT why is that a bad thing???? Yes, she may have been doing all she could do and if that is they case, then good for her. We all have to start somewhere. But why are so many of you so quick to give that person an excuse?? Maybe she is perfectly healthy and perfectly capable but too lazy or weak to push herself!!

    Harsh is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, being harsh or blunt or a bit of an a**hole is what it takes to get results. I am blunt and I am harsh. I know I'm not perfect and I know I get lazy at times. And in those times, I appreciate a reality check to quit being a wuss much more than I appreciate the "you can do it" Little Engine That Could mentality. But that's just me.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I completely understand... trust me. I think this way myself.

    But at the end of the day, it's their life. Can't live it for them. The only thing I can do is set an example. I do think sharing your story is a good way to motivate others though. Some folks might feel that they can't, but they can...

    I'd just never tell someone they're doing it all wrong.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I think perhaps you were too quick to judge. One never knows what is going on in someone's life. Maybe someone is ill at home, maybe she was diagnosed with a terrible illness. Is she dealing with a hardship like job loss, parental illness, mental illness, trouble with children? The possibilities are never ending. I think walking just a little is better than sitting in front of the tv mindlessly eating.