Keto Help

I started Keto yesterday. My physician encouraged it and I find the documentry, The Magic Pill, very informative. However, I still know that I need a caloric deficit in order to achieve weightloss. I cannot get under 2000 calories and get my fat grams where they need to be according to keto. Help!


  • thsliddell
    thsliddell Posts: 1 Member
    What percentages do you have your macros at?
  • amyjaneymccoy
    amyjaneymccoy Posts: 4 Member
    Currently I am trying to eat 75% Fat, 20% Protien, 5% carb
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    It is usually best not to worry about hitting your fat macro. If you are under, you have body fat that will be used instead.

    Focus instead on hitting your protein goal. About 100 g? Then try to stay under your carb goal. The rest can be fat, but protein can fill in instead... Or even carbs if you have no health issues.

    Ketosis is mainly about keeping carbs low. You don't really need to hit a certain fat intake. Excess fat just means excess calories which is not helpful to weight loss. ;)

    Good luck.