Helping to poop yes real issue

Hi im needing help. Does anyone know of any foods that will clean you out.i eat plenty of fiber but when i go its not complete. Or whats the best thing for a colon cleanse.Not for loosing weight but for not being bloated.thanks


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Colon cleanses are worthless, money sucking scams.
    Take a stool softener (Dulcolax) is necessary.

    That's a colon cleanser. ;)

    OP, if it's been going on for a long time, see a doctor, to rule out medical causes, like inflammatory bowel disease. If it's a recent thing, try the following:
    - increase fluid intake
    - eat lots of veggies, and have some fruit daily
    - take magnesium citrate, from any pharmacy
    The tips in the above posts are good too. :+1:
  • somethingxcompletelyxdifferent
    Psyllium Husk. Flaxseeds.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Metamucil, magnesium
  • Chewbac7777
    Chewbac7777 Posts: 238 Member
    Im not constipoopted just not getting full bowel movements. Im taken metemucil no trying acv to see if that helps.
  • banana2girl
    banana2girl Posts: 16 Member
    OP, I had the same symptoms for a long time! After a lifetime of very regular BMs between 6 and 6:30am, every day, no matter what, my regularity changed after I gained weight and kept it on. Turned into taking a really long time on the toilet because I never felt done and having to go 3 times in the morning instead of once. So my morning routine has turned into a 2-hour ordeal (including showering/dressing) because I'm spending at least 45 - 60 mins on the toilet each day.

    I recently had my first colonoscopy and in preparation for it, I ate only "no-residue" food for the week prior. So contrary to everything I've ever heard about healthy bowels, I avoided fiber and roughage. I ate things like white bread, eggs, roasted carrots, lean chicken (no skin), etc. That week was wonderful because I felt like I was finally getting everything out. Then came the pre-colonoscopy prep, which gets absolutely everything out.

    I feel as if I had a complete re-set after my colonoscopy. I've worked back up to getting a healthy amount of fiber, through non-starchy vegetables mostly, and I don't have that same feeling anymore.

    oh, the other thing that changed is that the doctor told me to do Kegel exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles. Said that may help me move things more completely without straining.

    Good luck. That feeling is not nice.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    Exercise. Ten minutes into the treadmill and I'm in poop heaven...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    If you are getting sufficient fiber, fat, water, and exercise, try powdered vitamin C to bowel tolerance.

    You've reached bowel tolerance once you get a little gassy and then have a good poop. You've surpassed bowel tolerance if you have a very loose poop.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    You can try an OTC laxative or Miralax for some relief. When I had this problem, eating oatmeal with chia seeds for a few days helped.

    I was deficient in vitamin D due to lack of nourishment while dieting on 1200 calories a day, so maybe see a doctor about your issues and get your Vitamin levels checked. I had other symptoms like fatigue and hair loss.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,645 Member
    Im not constipoopted just not getting full bowel movements. Im taken metemucil no trying acv to see if that helps.

    That feeling of not expelling all the feces, or having small/narrow fecal output, is a form of constipation.

    How much fat are you eating (not necessarily by drinking oil or something, just overall from your diet)?

    Fieber supplements will make the situation worse, *if* you're already getting enough fiber, but not enough water, fats, or something like that. I had some of the same symptoms you're describing.

    My doctor initially put me on fiber supplements, when I was already getting enough fiber. That was bad.

    In my particular, individual case, what was insufficient was water - I was drinking hardly any water, and not getting enough from other foods or drinks. At the time, I was getting enough fats in my diet. Nowadays, with calorie restrictions (not wildly overeating like I used to ;) ), insufficient fat is more likely to be a risk point for me, for having those symptoms return.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    It depends on the reason for your constipation. If the problem is not drinking enough water, you will have to increase your water intake. If your fiber intake is low, you will have to increase your intake of fiber rich foods or take a fiber supplement. Miralax/PEG is an inert substance you mix with water that passes through your GI tract. Docusate (stool softener) may help for the occasional hard stool.
  • Chewbac7777
    Chewbac7777 Posts: 238 Member
    5ft long colon wow
  • Chewbac7777
    Chewbac7777 Posts: 238 Member
    Im gonna try to drink more water
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    Have you tried spicy foods and hot sauces? That has an affect on some people.