Obese, starting to exercise but in so much pain

Over the past couple of weeks I have been walking multiple miles per day and often doing zumba daily. I am obese and trying to lose weight. My body HURTS very bad, beyond just being sore. It is especially hard on my knees. Even when I am resting my knees are hurting. I never had pain before starting to exercise. Am I overdoing it? Should I focus on healthier diet and put off starting an exercise routine for now? I know I will be told talk to my doctor, but I just changed insurance and dont have a new doctor yet so that's not realistic for me yet. What should I do?


  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in the exact same spot as you are in now. I have been very sedentary for the past 8 mos (lots of sitting for classes and studying) and am trying to exercise again. I. Hurt. Everywhere. Turns out I was trying to jump back in at the level I was at a couple years ago. I've learned my lesson and realized that I have to be a little more patient and start out slow. First it was 15 min walking/biking/lifting. Did that for about a week and increased it to 20 min. Next week I'll try 25 min. And so on and so forth. If I need to stay at a level for an extra week, no biggie. I'd rather take it slow than get an injury or be in agonizing pain constantly. It can be hard to give yourself some time/slack. But it's worth it when you really start killin' your routine rather than it killing you!
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have to lose about 160 pounds and my knees don't like exercise. But water aerobics helps tremendously. I do an hour workout in the pool - we have an instructor there who puts us through our paces. It looks so easy but after an hour we can feel it in our muscles.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    Op, having a wake up call is overwhelming. I applaud your efforts. I'm sorry your 5K will be out of the question for this year, next could be a good goal. Its so easy to be carried on your enthusiasm, many of us have done it. Please when you restart an exercise plan remember to have rest days, these are days when your body recovers and prepares for more of the same.

    In the mean time don't give up entirely. You can work on your posture, simple things like sitting up rather than slouching, standing rather than sitting take more caloies. Please take it gently. As others above have said aqua-ariobics can be really beneficial, please remember rest days.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks I appreciate all replies!!! It is so upsetting and disappointing to realize I have let my body get to the point that I cant even exercise like I would like to! I have such bad knee pain lately, I was thinking of doing a 5K in June. I will hold off for now and try to focus on a better diet. I am starting out at 407lb

    One of my main motivations for losing weight was to be able to move and do activity that I used to do and that I wanted to do (but couldn't at 237 lbs.) Visualize in your mind yourself being lighter and doing the activity that you want to do. This can be great inspiration if you look at it that way instead of beating yourself up for getting to this point.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Start off slower with exercise. Your body isn't ready for miles of walking and zumba classes just starting out. That doesn't mean you can't do anything at all.
    When I started and was obese I had to do seated workouts for awhile. There are seated workout videos on you tube for obese, injured or elderly people.
    When I started walking more I had to increase my step count gradually over weeks and months. I needed better shoes too.

    Watch your calorie intake.
  • bedwellchris
    bedwellchris Posts: 57 Member
    Zumba hurts my knees also! Walk daily and measure your meal portions. You'll feel better and lose weight.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    Zumba hurts my knees also! Walk daily and measure your meal portions. You'll feel better and lose weight.

    Watching Zumba hurts my knees.

    Get better shoes, If you're going to walk/run seriously, get fitted for some proper shoes.
  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    Everyone has given great advice. So I’ll just mention soaking in a hot bath with Epsom Salt has helped me in the past with some of the pain. I get the water as hot as I can stand it.

    Do what you can. It’s a long road but very well worth it!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited May 2018
    When I started, I also had a lot of joint issues and couldn't do much weight-bearing exercise. I could barely walk around the block. I focused on accurate calorie counting and bought a sturdy recumbent stationary bike. It's one of the best purchases I've ever made. Even after losing close to 70 lbs, it was still one of my favorite cardio activities. Later, I added Leslie Sansone walking workouts, which are basically very low-impact aerobics and allowed me to use more muscle groups than just walking alone. Just go easy, because as has been said, the last thing you want is an injury that incapacitates you altogether. At your size, this is a multi-year project (a lifelong project when you factor in maintenance), so slow & steady wins the race. :)

    Here's a link to the bike I use:

  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Lots of great advice here.

    There is more than one kind of pain. Muscle pain the day after I associate as “progress”. This consequence can be reduced by warming up beforehand and stretching afterwards. In a few days I’ll be stronger.

    However if there are no rest days the muscles have no time to recover.

    Joint pain I associate with “danger” and stop right away. Trying to work through the pain could delay recovery by months. My physiotherapist taught me to modify Zumba to low impact moves. Knees are replaceable these days but it’s darn inconvenient.

    Yup, I hurt my knees in 2010 and tried to work through the pain, and so still have to baby them now, 8 years later. My PT gave me these, which I do several times per week:


    This is one of the most helpful illustrations I have seen on MFP. As a knee pain sufferer, I will truly try them out.

    As an added note to OP, I can tell you that the knee pain WILL get better with weight loss. I lost a lot of weight in 2012-2013. The difference was amazing for the pain in my knees. Unfortunately, like so many others, I gained back about 1/2 of the weight I lost and am back, and so is the knee pain. Fourteen pounds down since 4/30/18 and there is a noticeable difference already.
  • gesundundmunter
    gesundundmunter Posts: 226 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Lots of great advice here.

    There is more than one kind of pain. Muscle pain the day after I associate as “progress”. This consequence can be reduced by warming up beforehand and stretching afterwards. In a few days I’ll be stronger.

    However if there are no rest days the muscles have no time to recover.

    Joint pain I associate with “danger” and stop right away. Trying to work through the pain could delay recovery by months. My physiotherapist taught me to modify Zumba to low impact moves. Knees are replaceable these days but it’s darn inconvenient.

    Yup, I hurt my knees in 2010 and tried to work through the pain, and so still have to baby them now, 8 years later. My PT gave me these, which I do several times per week:


    I also do these in between weight lifting sets:


    @Sweet_Misery_ while it would be best to consult a doctor, you could probably start the printed exercises soon, but be careful with the video as it is more intense, especially if done all the way through, which I only did once as I had pain afterwards. I'm a yoga teacher and recommend skipping Tree Pose for now.

    I do three of these PT exercises every morning, almost 3 yrs after hip replacement. Didn't realize they were good for knees also. Will incorporate the isometric one, too.
  • IamRoyallTee
    IamRoyallTee Posts: 1 Member
    Not to beat a dead horse, but I 2nd all of the people that said swimming, or take the exercise to the pool. It has been my saving grace.