What to do next?

Hi i am currently doing the 30 day shred but would like some advice on what to do next.

I have been enjoying the 30DS dvd and im currently on level 2 day 6 so i have only got 11 more days to go. I can see a small change in my body shape but would like to continue to try and change it asap.

I have seen alot of turbo fire, p90x, ab ripper etc but never heard of these before so if anyone can recommend them please let me know.

I have alot of body fat i need to get rid of mainly my hips, thighs and belly so anything that will burn alot of fat with hard work asap.



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Turbo Fire and P90X are both excellent choices. TF is more cardio than weights, and P90X has 3 days per week of heavy weights. You can lose a substantial amount of body fat doing either one as long as you stick with the workouts and nail your diet. The "ab ripper" that you mention is one of the 12 workouts from P90X, and you do it after each weight training session.

    Look on youtube for each of them and take a look at the workouts. Then decide that way which one looks like the one you are more likely to stick with.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I've done P90x, Insanity and now Asylum, the wife has done P90x, Turbo Fire, and now Charlean Extreme. I'd recommend any of them,

    Insanity and Asylum need a good level of starting fitness before you start, the others aren't so bad.

    Charlean Extreme is like P90x, combines cardio with a fair amount of weights or resistance bands. Don't be afraid of taking on the weights workout, they will get you nicely toned without bulking you up if you keep the weight light and the reps high.

    Turbo Fire is more like an aerobics class, it can be intense is places but it is a lot of fun once you get in the rhythm.

    Diet and commitment are the key to any of them, put in the effort and it will reward you.
  • cjmwlove
    cjmwlove Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys ill take a look and decide which one id like to do. :)

    Can any of you recommend or know of a diet plan i can stick to which is great combined with these workouts at the moment im eating around the 1200 mark more with exercise, im rubbish at deciding what to eat, i like quick meals to make and i hate omelette's i do like eggs though lol. I just dont know what to eat i see proteinsm carbs etc etc but dont know how to put them together to make a nice meal i end up eating the empty kinds of foods :( Also iv been sticking to the exercise side of it but have been really slacking on my diet side.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    To be honest, any one of the programs mentioned above comes with a nutrition plan that gives you tips as well as tons of recipes.

    Everyone responds to a different kind of diet, but I like to keep mine at about 35% carbs, 45% protein, and 20% fat with around 1500 calories per day. Every 4th day (like today) I up the calories to close to 1800 and increase carbs. That's just what I have found works for me for my goals. I am cutting fat while gaining muscular strength (not "building muscle" but just increasing my strength with weights right now).