Same Routine is Making Me Plateau

Hi all!! So, I have plateaued at 162 lbs, 42 lbs down from my original weight. I do cardio and I use the machines at the gym, but I feel like I haven't seen a difference in almost a month!! Any ideas on how to spice up my workout? Are there any floor exercises I might be able to do or a specific workout that will induce muscle confusion? I am thinking maybe Tae Bo or Jillian Michaels Workout Videos because they're new, but I don't always have access to weights and stuff at home. I need something new to confuse my body so that it starts to lose more weight. I eat 1200 calories a day because that's what the MFP tells me to do in order to lose 1-2 lbs/week. Please help!! My 25th birthday party is in mid-September and I am hoping to lose another 10 lbs before then.

Thanks for your help and advice in advance!!


  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    From what I recall, Tae Bo does not use weights. (Or at least it didn't years ago...maybe the dvds have changed?) For Jillian Michaels, you really only need one set of hand weights and they're not expensive. Aside from that, does your gym include classes that you can attend? You could always try a new class!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    A lot of JM's videos don't require any sort of equipment, but like lynn1982 said, small hand weighs are pretty inexpensive.
  • Sharonbed4d
    Besides changing your exercise, mix up your diet too. If you are staying at 1200 everyday and never eat back your exercise calories, that might be part of your problem. Keep your body guessing and good luck!
  • slivkemr
    Hi there! I would recommending mixing up the food you are eating if you are not already doing that. I would also, as everyone else suggested, change your workout routine from day to day. Weightlifting helps boost metabolism like crazy and tones fast. Also, changing your cardio workout will help too. Like others suggested, take some different classes, go rollerblading, biking, etc. A mix of light weight workouts and different cardio would help a lot.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with the other comments. I actually really like Tae Bo, the one I have does not require weights at all. However, there are a few places to always check first for weights...Ross, TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Five Below all have weights for great prices. I got a Kettlebell for $5.99 at TJ Maxx! I like Jillian Michaels Shred it with Weights which was $10 at Walmart and you use either a kettlebell or dumbell in the 3 to 8 pound range. So I use the kettlebell.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    If you're doing the same routine, then just go longer or get more intense with it. I hardly ever ate back my exercise calories, but I also never starved myself. Not saying you are. Or try different workouts that work the same parts you're trying to fix. You're body adjusts. That means you must too. You're doing good so far. Keep up the good work!

    PS-what works for one person, might not work for the other. That's the beauty of being unique :)
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on losing 42 pounds - that's a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself!

    As crazy as it sounds, I would suggest increasing your daily calories by 100 or 200 per day - and be sure you are eating your exercise calories. I didn't look at your diary, but be sure you are getting plenty of protein. You could also change your macronutrient ratios a bit. For example, if you are currently eating MFP's recommended ratios - you could try lowering the carbs and increasing the protein. I think MFP's recommended protein is way too low. I personally eat about 45-50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat - or somewhere around there - I think it's good to tweak that a bit and find a mix that works for you. I also like eating 5 smaller meals per day - each one being about 300 calories or so.

    For workouts - definitely continue with the strength training. Must have a mix of strength and cardio. Does you gym have any type of body sculpt class? Each gym calls it something different, but some mix of cardio, weights, step, resistance bands - those are great classes. Also spin is great too - you can adjust the resistance on the bikes to make it challenging for you - I always burn a ton of calories in spin. Or get on the treadmill and really increase the incline and walk as fast as you can - don't run - keep walking, but make it as challenging of a walk as you can - that'll really get your heart pumping and work the legs and bootie. I love yoga and pilates - you don't burn too many calories, but they are great for core strength and flexibility - and just a nice change of pace from all the cardio. If you have access to Bikram Yoga - that will definitely blast some calories - major workout. Kickboxing. Oh - kettle bell workouts are awesome. We did one at my gym recently that was a mix of only kettle bell swing through's and burpees (squat thrusts) - it kicked our butts!

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • smack1024
    smack1024 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey woman, i think we are long lost weight loss sisters! I started at the same weight as you and have been in the 160's for the past month which is very frustrating! I refuse to get discouraged so I called one of my good friends who is a personal trainer to ask for some advice.

    A little background nutrition routine consists of eating very healthy all week and on the weekends eating what I want. My goal every day (including the weekends) is 1200 calories. If I eat more than that on my weekends, I make sure I do more exercise to burn the calories.

    My exercise routine has been Turbo Fire and Insanity (Beachbody products). I love the gym but was at a point in my life where I didn't want to feel worse about myself by having things jiggle and wiggle for the general public to see!

    I have also been going to a "weight loss doctor" who has this fancy scale. Basically the scale just gives some other details that a normal dial scale won't (Fat Weight, Bone Denisty, Muscle Mass, Water Weight). And for the past month a.k.a. my plateau, i have still been losing fat and gaining muscle which is why the scale isn't going down.

    So back to the personal trainer.....he said keep doing what I am and instead of doing the full programs (Turbo Fire is 90 days for the regulary program and 150 days for the advanced and Insanity is 60 days) switch them every month. He indicated that your muscles get used to ANY exercise after one month so we need to switch things up....that includes cardio. So I have now started doing one month of Insanity and then I am going to do one month of Turbo Fire. He also indicated that just because I am not losing pounds that losing fat and gaining muscle are the best things you can do. I told him "thanks for being nice" but BMI is still figured by weight (as in the number!).

    In any case, I dont know if i can provide any real advice here, obviously because i am in the same position as you, but I can tell you that I know for a fact if we keep watching what we eat, excersising regulary and pushing our body to the limit, we will get matter how long they take.

    Congratulations on your weight loss sucess and I hope this at least provided some insight for you. Best of luck and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments!
  • millionsofpeaches
    P90X or... Jillian Michaels 30DS

    Swimming if you have access to a pool.
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59