Letting yourself cheat (how much)

I let myself have one cheat meal a week. I was curious what everyone else does.

Tonight, is my cheat meal. It's an important meal, with my in-laws, at a higher end restaurant with great food.

Just being curious, I tracked the calories I would normally eat by going there.
If I eat like I normally would, this is what tonight's meal would look like.

Martinis x 2 - 480 Calories.
Steamed Mussels- 145 Calories
Bread Roll- 170 Calories
Ribeye Steak- 1200 Calories
Potatoes- 400 Carloes
Veggies- 200 Calories
Soup- 150 Calories (high sodium)
Ceasar Salad- 200 Calories
(probably skip dessert)
Port or Cognac after dinner- 100 Calories

So, as you can see, that is a huge chunk of calories.

My plan tonight is to enjoy myself, but try to eat less of each course, therefore cutting my calories down by maybe 20-30%

Obviously this isn't a normal cheat day for me, just curious what you folks think, and how you "cheat"


  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I go to a dinner buffet every couple of weeks. I generally try to keep my portions in control but I sample a lot of different foods that aren't in my usual daily meals. On opposite weeks, I try to stay somewhere under my maintenance calories and usually cook whatever I'm currently craving.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    for me its usually like 5 spoonfuls of peanut butter
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't have cheat meals or days on purpose, but I surely eat the wrong stuff from time to time. Life happens, food is good, enjoy it sometimes! :)
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My cheat meal would be: We are going to dinner with some family, at their house, and the dessert we are having is like 450 calories for just a small piece!!! Now thats my cheat lol
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Mexican will be my cheat meals but I will just eat less chips and watch a little more closely to what I choose to eat. I love chicken fajita quesadillas and the chips and salsa are my weakness!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I do not do cheat meals. If I did that then I would feel deprived. I eat whatever I want in moderation.
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    I kind of have a plan that works for me. I have one cheat DAY a week. It's usually Saturday where I eat whatever I want. This way I satisfy my cravings. If I REALLY want something say, on a Wednesday, I'll say "You can have it on Saturday" and forgo it until then. That way, I stay on track and am able to talk myself out of my cravings. Doing this I have still had great success on the scale! I think it almost jump starts my metabolism after being super careful all week suddenly it's like "Hey, where'd all this food come from?" lol
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    I eat what I want in moderation, and keepn with in my calorie goal!
  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    I believe that most of us need the freedom to enjoy a wonderful meal without guilt. I usually limit myself to one alcoholic beverage on these occasions.....and no bread. I would rather split a dessert with someone.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I cheat every weekend pretty much. It's usually just on beer though. 12 beers every weekend, although I'm cutting back to every other weekend now that I'm working again. I'm pretty good at keeping my food in check for the most part.
  • I have a day off every week, I don't go mad I just don't count the calories. When I hit my target weight I obviously want to maintain it without feeling like I'm dieting so trying to eat well and exercise without counting once a week is helping me change my lifestyle and hopefully I'll be able to maintain a healthier lifestyle without having to think about it in the future.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    I generally eat one "cheat" meal per week, but I don't necessarily plan it out. Usually though it ends up being Mexican food on Friday night. :) I think as long as it's one MEAL per week, you are fine. I personally wouldn't do an entire DAY per week. If I know I'm going to be going out or having a big meal - I try to get in a good long workout that day also and drink lots of water. Then, go, enjoy yourself - don't binge, but enjoy yourself - then get back to good the next day. Sounds like a wonderful meal - have a good time with the family!
  • betsyweltha
    betsyweltha Posts: 17 Member
    hmmm... I think your cheat day is a little much... I believe in a cheat meal for sure... but idk about that many calories... Your not off by much but how bout cutting out some potatoes? or a smaller ribeye? just a suggestion...
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    hmmm... I think your cheat day is a little much... I believe in a cheat meal for sure... but idk about that many calories... Your not off by much but how bout cutting out some potatoes? or a smaller ribeye? just a suggestion...

    I agree...I don't know if I could have eaten that many calories in one sitting! LOL!
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    I had a cheat meal this past week with my sister. It was sensible and I nibbled on it and drank a lot of water. I hardly cheat but I haven't seen my sister in a month.
  • Frankie3333
    Frankie3333 Posts: 53 Member
    My goal is to log my food 6 days a week. For some reason Monday has kinda become my "day off". On that day, I don't really worry too much about how much or what I am eating. I am sure I am not eating as many calories as I did when I was heavier.

    My weakness has always been sweets. I love baking! Unfortunately, I also love to taste test my baking. It is hard but I always make sure that I log those calories and try to make up for it in exercise or eating a salad for dinner.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I eat what I want in moderation, and keepn with in my calorie goal!

    Ditto! Cheat days just seem so counter productive to me. But everyone is different and what works for me, may not work for someone else.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I like the idea of a meal (maybe one a week or so) where you allow yourself to eat a bit more than usual and have a drink. I don't like the idea of calling it a "cheat meal." To me, cheating sounds like something you do when you hope you won't get caught. Your body knows that it's getting these calories. They still count. I have a friend who is seeing a nutritionist and is on an extremely strict eating plan. When she goes off it, she calls it "being bad," not cheating. I guess that also has its problems, but I like the sound of it better.

    I try to work in my "cheat meal" (which is not really cheating...) into my calories. i zigzag my calories, so I save that one meal for a higher caloric day. Last night was my one big meal that I saved up for since it was a family dinner at a restaurant. It included one glass of wine, a living sprouts and avocado salad, halibut with snap peas and potatoes, and a couple bites of dessert that the entire table shared. I guess the "cheating" part was the wine and bite of dessert. But like I said, I don't consider it cheating.
  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    Another issue you may want to consider: Your body has adjusted to eating healthy. It might not be happy with all the fat and calories:)
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    hmmm... I think your cheat day is a little much... I believe in a cheat meal for sure... but idk about that many calories... Your not off by much but how bout cutting out some potatoes? or a smaller ribeye? just a suggestion...

    I agree here, I don't generally eat the entire steak, and definitely didn't plan to tonight. But I wanted to be honest about the calories so I could see them written down.

    I will also mention, that on an average workout day, my calorie intake (if I were to eat back my burned cals) would be around 2,600.
    I don't normally eat anywhere near that, but I just wanted to point out that my recommended calories are not 1200-1500 like a lot of folks I see.