Struggling post-breakup

So I recently broke up with my boyfriend (Sunday) and all this week I've been totally struggling with the motivation to get back to my healthy eating habits/be excited to work out. When we were together, I was always the active and healthy one..of course I was doing it for me, but I was also trying to impress him (though he never said I needed to). Anyway, can anyone just remind me why I'm doing this and why I don't need to impress anyone but myself?? It's hard to keep that in the front of my mind since I'm not seeing him constantly or feeling like I have someone to impress. Thanks!!


  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Unfortunately we all have to go thru the stages of a break-up, and I really don't have any good relationship advice. Hell, I am 34, and my longest realtionships have only lasted a year, one of which was with a married man. Ugh.

    However, I have lots of experience with being down and finding the strength to keep going. Soooo, it looks like you are a runner, right? Just get out there and run! Run until you are exhausted, come home and sleep, do it again the next day. Repeat, and repeat again. No excuses. You will be to tired to fall into your spiraling thought patterns, and your routine will become your motivation.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    That's good advice, thanks :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    The last time i went through a break up it actually helped motivate me to lose 15lbs. I wanted to look hot and sexy and now i had the chance to date or just flirt with other men. So yeah.. it was good times.. I lost weight and went back to school, he held me back.
  • TheShelterCat
    Use all of your negative emotions to motivate you through your next run, then the run after that and the one after that. Treat yourself to a day at a spa or salon and do things for you. Breakups are horrible but they get easier with time (even if in the moment it seems impossible). Use this time as a chance to get back to loving you and doing things to make yourself feel better.

    And they always say the best breakup revenge is a hot, new you. ;)
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Obviously he wasn't the guy for you. You deserve better. The guy for you will be running with you, getting in shape with you, eating healthily with you, as well as making you laugh and even happier than you can make yourself. He won't be perfect, but neither are you. Now, get out there, run, take care of yourself, and know that one of these days, you'll find him.


    Me, an old married lady
  • See_Jenn_Run
    Anyway, can anyone just remind me why I'm doing this and why I don't need to impress anyone but myself??

    Sorry to hear about your breakup. You will get through this! As to the above, you're the only one who knows why you want to feel healthy, look great, and keep taking good care of yourself! Your mind, body and soul will be there to carry you throughout your entire life, that's why I try to take care of mine. Keeping your own house in good order will bring good things your way and enable you to do good things unto others. Be strong for yourself lady!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    show him what hes missing :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    And they always say the best breakup revenge is a hot, new you. ;)

    That's the truth lol. My new body pisses my ex off to a degree that's disturbing lol. A mutual friend of ours told me she was sharing my progress pictures via email to her (it was supposed to be a secret). Every improvement she would find something new to criticize lol :). She said, that by the end she was REALLY stretching...which is hilarious.

    Guess its a good thing she will never see the newest ones lol.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Breakups suck, nothing around that.

    Have you read "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken: The Smart Girl's Break-Up Buddy" by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt? You can check your library if money is tight.

    It might cheer you up, the authors are quite witty.