I need support!

Hi all,

I need support and motivation, someone that will remind me to not only hold myself accountable but also hold me accountable as well. I have really been slacking and just need more support on here in general! I am looking to be friends with others in my situation, I am currently at 238 and would like to lose about 90 pounds...

Please feel free to request me if you think we can support eachother, please!!! Thanks in advance!


  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Request sent =)
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,305 Member
    148 lbs. is your goal weight? Me too. I get super goal oriented and like to hit goals...but i have zero success in maintenance. So you want to drop 90 and hit 148, I want to drop 78 and hit 148.

    I will do it with you. But I ask that you be tenacious in getting to 148 with me......and keep going with me to figure out maintenance.

    I have yo-yo'd to 148 twice and bounced right back up. Friend me.
  • Han_Han
    Han_Han Posts: 32 Member
    I'm currently 233lbs (started at 337lbs) and have around 80lbs to go. Always up for new friends to chat with, share motivation and follow progress. Ill add you. :)