90 lbs in 30 days ???????

BlueJeanBabyQueen Posts: 35
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
I was surfing the net to find a BMR scale. At one site that offered the free BMR scale test thingy i saw a very strange AD.I was backing out of the page when i saw it. I tried to go back but it was gone. I guess it was like one of those rotating ads. Anyways it said "Loose 90 lbs in 30 days with......." that is all i read. I was unable to see what rest of it said or what the ad was for.

I wanna know is this remotely possible?? was it an ad for a diet pill or a surgery of some kind. I know it is not safe to loose that much weight in such a short time.

what do you guys think?


  • i wouldn't do it without medical testing, doctor's okay, nutritionist, and someone to SHOW you what to do properly. People do it all the time (ever seen the show extreme makeover: weightloss edition?) That show is actually how I found this site! anyway - thats why my doctor feels my goal of 72 lbs in 5 months is not unrealistic AT ALL and I'm on track with 12lbs down in 3 weeks. However this can be VERY dangerous if you are not monitored appropriately, as these contestants are. I wouldn't pay do to any of that stuff, its a scam.

    Do you mind if I ask what your current weight is? or actually you don't even need to tell me - see if you are able to be a contestant on weightless edition. its an ABC show. Chris is the trainer - he is AMAZING!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    not good.
  • It was probably for the HCG crap, which is completely unsafe.
    It is possible to lose that much weigh in such a short time frame, IF you are morbidly obese and have it to lose. For example: Someone who is 400 pounds COULD lose 90 pounds in 30 days like someone who is 200 pounds COULD lose 20 pounds in 30 days. Is it recommended, no. But it can be and often is (take for instance the contestants on biggest loser) done.
  • I'm not going to claim to be a Doctor or even a health and fitness expert but losing 90 lbs. in 30 days sounds very dangerous and unhealthy. From my experence and all that I've read and researched, I think its a safe bet to say that aside from starving yourself...NOT COOL....it would be nearly impossible and if you somehow did, you would gain it all back and then some! I think gradual and with a better diet and more exercise is the way to go. Making a lifestyle choice to get healthy and fit and not just skinny in a hurry seems to be the way to get results that stick!!! Like I said, thats just my opinion and I'm no Dr. Just a chick who wants to lose about 10 lbs. off her backside and the muffin top off her middle!!! Good luck to you in whatever you choose to do, but PLEASE do it healthy and stay safe!!!!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    Unless you have a body part removed, it is physically impossible not to mention an unsafe goal to think of losing even 1/4 of that in a month. While that might be possible over several months, if you lose it too fast it can be harder to maintain.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I agree with the other comments, sounds unhealthy and dangerous.
  • oh i weight 188 and im only 5'1. Im following the MFP rules lol. i dont think i would take anything to loose weight.
  • No that is not physically possible. Another down side to rapid weight loss, is that you're going to have to deal with all the flabby skin.
  • alasamorph
    alasamorph Posts: 3 Member
    I have been losing weight consistently, though not every week, for the last 4 months. I am now at 20lbs down and I think I do quite well. I have set my calories per day to 1550 and I manage to do that usually. I think its absurd to suppose you could lose 90 lbs in 30 days without cutting a leg off! 90 in 30 days is 3lbs a day - think about it. Hopeless. Try for something reasonable, say 1-3 lbs a week, maintain a healthy diet, I still have 2 to 3 glasses of wine per day, and I go walking, 30-40,000 steps per week, that's about 30kms.
    I log everything I eat and drink so I don't fool myself and I DO NOT GET WEIGHED EVERY 5 Minutes. Once a week, 1st thing Friday morning before dressing. same conditions, same scales, weigh myself 3 times and take the average. Modern digital scales are good to a pound. Old crappy spring balance scales shouldn't be trusted at the 1-2lb level unless you can prove they are repeatable. Its all just common sense really. No fads. Good food (limited to daily calorie intake) exercise, and some moderate amounts of water. Do NOT over-drink too much water isn't good for you.
    Don't forget, whatever goes in through your mouth is either burned of as calories to keep you active or turned into fat reserves to store for lean times ahead. Which there wont be any!
    One last thing. I am NOT on a diet. Don't call it anything. If you call it a diet, you may get lost in a forest of bull**** advice.
    If you want to loose weight, don't eat as much, simple and cheap and effective.

    Dr. P
  • Makes sence to me!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Safe weight loss is 1-2% of your body weight in a week, so let's do the math.

    If we take off 10lb as that initial water weight many people lose right away, we're left with 80lb.
    That's 20lb/week. If someone were doing this safely, it would imply they are 1000lb (2% of weight).
    Someone at 500lb would be losing 4%/week, and 250lb 8%/week.
    It's just not possible for someone to safely lose this weight-that is without losing muscle as well.

    Now let's look at the calorie burn-
    1lb = 3500 calorie deficit. 20lb would be a 70,000 calorie deficit per week. If they ate at their sedentary TDEE they would have to exercise enough to burn 10,000 calories every single day, a little less if they reduced their caloric intake as well.

    I just don't see it as possible-a burn that high above what you eat would very quickly wear you out so you aren't able to continue, especially not for 30 days. Even if you were somehow able to, you'd lose so much muscle with the fat that you've just reduced muscle mass, knocked down your BMR, kicked yourself into starvation mode and all the horrors that come from that.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • I don't think it is safe at all. I would say 20-30 lbs under a doctor's care but more than that is too extreme on the body plus your skin doesn't have enough time to go back to its original form. Lots of sagging :(
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    I don't even think that would be possible on HCG, they talk about 1-2 lbs a day.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Also maintenance is harder if you take it too fast. Not only will you not have learnt much about portion size etc, but your body may also try really hard to store fat because it thinks there was a famine and another might be on the way.

    A very dear friend of mine loses weight easily with the Cambridge diet (she's even been in magazines for them... Well, she is gorgeous!) but every time she stops she piles the pounds back on again.
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    no, it's not possible. the most you can lose in 30 days, safely, is 30 lbs. there is no magic way to lose weight. i've tried all kinds of ways. but, you gotta think, "did i gain 90lbs in 30 days?" no. you can lose 90lbs in 90 days.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    It's like car parts that claim 60hp for a $20 part. It doesn't work and will just take your money.
    Anything that has you dropping that kind of weight is a crash diet and VERY unhealthy.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I had a friend on a Baylor college of medicine, supervised liquid weight loss plan, with multiple doc appts, and group therapy and he lost a lot of weight, but not NEARLY that fast, so it sounds like a scam to me!
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Perhaps you got the numbers mixed up.

    30 lbs in 90 days sounds more in line with the weightloss advertising.
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