
Hi there! I just started MFP on the suggestion of my fabulous sister-in-law. I've been overweight my entire life and I am sick of it. I've been trying to lose weight for forever and it never seems to work so I give up fast. Not this time. I've set small goals and set small rewards for each goal I meet. I am determined to lose this weight. I exercise for 1 hour at a gym M-W-F and on the off days I like to walk my dogs and swim. I've been trying to eat healthier, although it seems hard to do when it's just me at home. I have however, planned out my meals for the next two weeks and am going to try my hardest to stick to the plan.

Why do I want to lose weight?
#1 I'm sick of being the fat girl.
#2 I want to have a family. I've noticed that it's hard for over weight girls to date. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like guy take one look at me and walk away not knowing who I am on the inside.
#3 I want to live a long healthy life and right now I am borderline diabetic. BOO!

In a nutshell, I'm hoping to stay motivated, reach each small goal I've set and enjoy the rest of my life as the new and improved Tiffany!


  • I am new in here too and just a week.I feel really good about myself.
    I believe that We can make it !
  • Hi Tiffany, I completely understand where you are coming from! I am sick and tired of being 25 and always thinking "i could be that girl". I know I that I AM that girl I just need to find her and not let go. This is a great online tool and I have found it to be very useful. I wish you so much luck and success in your journey and I am here for ya for support! You can do this! The hardest part is taking the first step, but once you do, and as you gain more motivation and confidence, your life will be transforming itself. :-)