How did you decide on your goal weight?

Not sure when or how to stop? lol I know it sounds strange but what do I start doing to maintain and not lose? Do I change my work outs and eating? I like what I do and eat and don't really want to change it but I'm worried my weight might get a bit too low and I'll start looking gaunt.


  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i asked my doctor what a 'healthy' weight for my heigh would be.. i'm 5'9, so anywhere between 145-160 is considered a healthy weight. I'm currently 151, trying to get to about 140.. but i'm really judging by what i look like. i want to be fit, in shape, with a flat tummy.. if i end up weighing more or less than 140, that's fine with me!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • 2112540
    2112540 Posts: 71
    Anyone know the range for someone 5'5?
  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    wen you get to your goal you can set your mfp tp 'maintaine' and it will wor out your cals and exersise goals ..thats what i need to do soon as im at my goal now ,,,i know what you mean about 'how do you stop' as im getting moaned at by family and friends that i shoulnt go any lower!!..but would like to loose another 3-4 lbs .......
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I decided on my goal weight by seeing what a healthy BMI was for someone my height and age, and decided my goal weight would be in the 110-120 lb range. Though I will listen to my body when I get close to that and see if I should be a little heavier or even smaller than that. Everybody is different.
  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    im 5'4 so it said around 130lbs is a healthy weight ..hope this helps!
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    I'm 5'5" and have seen 140-155 lbs for our height, but I am a guy (as far as I know), so they give us a little more latitude.
  • karendzar
    hi, i am 5'5" and my ultimate goal is 120 (that is what i was before i got married and had children) 30 years ago! i have always been told that at 5' 5" you should be between 115 lbs and 145 lbs - but atthe end of the day, it is how you feel in yourself, good luck though
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    "Goal Weight" is completely subjective. What's your body fat percentage? According to height/weight charts, I need to lose all of my body fat and about 25 pounds of muscle in order to be at the weight those charts tell me I should weigh. So technically, I'm going to be overweight, with 8% body fat. *tosses list out the window*

    Use your body fat to get your lean body mass, then use your goal body fat % to figure out what your weight should be at that percentage. As for changes to make when you get there. You need to increase the amount of calories you eat, or decrease the amount of exercise you do, to get rid of the deficit. You don't have to change how you eat, just how much.
  • glitterpiss
    I decided on my goal weight based on pictures that I have of my self from a few years ago. About 60 - 70 pounds ago, I looked healthy but still curvy and a bit chubby, which I'm aiming for. I don't want to be skinny with a flat tummy, I just want to look and feel healthier, which for me is still being curvy. I was never a thin person, since I was born really, so I see no reason to aim for that, it does not suit me, especially since I look good the way I am now.
  • Skywirelynx
    I very unscientifically pulled a lower-than-current weight number out of the air, but a number I felt would challenge me. I'm self-employed and was told my weight made me ineligible for health insurance early this year. About 6 months later I had lost 12 pounds mostly by just consciously eating less (no measurements, just relatively). In early July a friend invited me to a Total Body Fitness Boot Camp class from which he'd gotten good results and about one month ago I started counting calories (I love the MyFitnessPal app!). Since then I've lost 9 more pounds. I have about 50 to go to be where I think I will be happy with my weight, and my current goal is about the midpoint from where I was a month ago.

    Congratulations on getting to the place where you even have to ask the question of how to stop losing and start maintaining. That's a encouraging place to be, I'm sure.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Around 10 years ago, I managed to (unhealthily) get down to around 180ish and a size 10/12. I was still pudgy then, so I know that I can go lower than that. So I set my goal to be 160 and/or a size 8. I'm 6'0" and everything I've seen gives me a range from like 150-180 depending on what chart/source I use.
  • Chainsaw_Flowerchild
    My first goal weight was to lose 10% of my starting weight, which was 254lbs. I'm now 6lbs from my second goal weight of 20% of my starting weight.
  • socialite1
    socialite1 Posts: 109
    Your goal weight depends on your body type and bone structure. Ideally this is something you should speak to your doctor about.