dags, visions attack dags

This morning was epic, we finally are getting some rain in our parched state and I was thoroughly enjoying my outdoor run when out of nowhere there came a bounding lump of fur. Mind you I've encountered this beast before, he's quite annoying and takes great joy in grabbing hold of my socks, leg, shoes......you get the point. This morning I was not in the right humor to take this, I mean the birds were chirping, rain was falling, I was euphorically happy. So when thus mentioned dog came from the garage making a bee line for my leg I swiftly punted him back from where he came from (I'm still trying to figure out how he makes it from hell so quickly) Anyways, the owner happened to be outside this time and was not impressed with what I had done. Huh???? She was mad at me, now it's not like I was scaling fences running through her back yard which in my opinion would have opened the door for Kujo to attack; I was in the street. As she glared at me and yelled something about picking on something my own size I was choking back laughter, I even think a snort sneaked out which infuriated her even more. Feefee was more than ok as he glared at me from behind the safety of his owners leg. Perhaps next time he will think twice before deciding my leg looks like a squeaky chew toy.
So where this was all going was have many of you encountered such things? And how did you handle them?


  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    This made me giggle! Good for you for standing your ground, I would not have been so brave. I actually switched my route after a dog took a bite out of the arm of my sweatshirt. Thankfully, I was not wearing it at the time, it was just tied around my waist. I actually called and reported the dog, for fear it would chase a kid or bite somebody else again.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    GOOD FOR YOU!! You failed to mention however the distance of your punt....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I haven't *knock on wood* been bitten by any loose dogs since I was 10, but I encounter many. If I'm alone, I usually stop, tell the doggie what a good good puppy he is, then tell him to stay, and continue on my way. If I'm with my dog (a Pekingese but a right terror in his own way), I tell the other dog, "NO!" in a firm voice, then "go home!" Then I tell him what a good puppy he is.

    Annoys me when people say, "Don't worry! He won't bite!" First off, while I was only bit once by other peoples' dogs, I've known a lot of bite cases, and no one ever said, "Watch out of this one! He's nippy!" Except for me, talking about my own dog, because he sure as hell WILL bite if provoked, and I'm not going to give him that opportunity.

    Secondly, I'm not so much worried about a dog biting me or my dog, as MY dog biting him first because he feels threatened by a loose dog approaching, and starting a fight he can't finish.

    And I worry about the loose dog being hit by a car in front of me. In the same tone as "he won't bite," I've worked at a shelter and an animal hospital and never once heard someone say, "Yeah, he ran off like that a lot. Never listened. It was only a matter of time before he became road-pizza."

    Leash laws exist for a reason. Keep your dog, and everyone else, safe.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    that is a irresponsible dog owner you encountered. Honestly it is not the dogs fault because nobody is teaching him the right way. A child would act the same if not taught better. I would report the owner but really all that would do is put the dog in a over populated shelter and probably put down for being a aggressive dog.
  • Soozcat
    Soozcat Posts: 34 Member
    I think I would have said, "If your dog attempts to bite me again, I will see you in court. If you can't control him, you should keep him leashed. Have a nice day." And run.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I have a dog and am a dog lover. I am against cruelty to animals.
    That said, how far did the dog go? I LOL'd.
    I would have no problem doing the same to any animal that was threatening me or anyone with me.

    The owner is most likely in violation of local leash laws.
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    I agree with the above postings, you should have measured the distance of your punt.

    *me holding up a styrofoam finger with your name on it*

    Go local sports teams and toy dog punters!
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    The dog really only went a few feet :) I'm a huge fan of animals but not tolerant of this type of behavior. Now I do understand the owners unhappiness at the dog flying through the air and to be honest I didn't see her lurking in the garage. Typically Kujo is loose without any supervision so today I took it upon myself to remind him of where he ought to be. Had I seen the owner prior to punting her beloved devil I probably would've stopped and told her about the countless other times her dog has not been the most friendly of creatures but since we met after the love tap she wasn't really interested in hearing what I had to say. Course I was choking back fits of laughter and snorting like a pig, had I attempted to speak it would have resembled more of a caveman than my known form of language
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    haha I carry mace for that reason, and I would've stopped and told her next time I'm gonna mace your dog and if you don't like that idea then keep him in your own damn yard and make sure he stays there.