100lbs to lose! seems almost impossible at times :(

some days im motivated, and then some days i eat something unhealthy and then feel like im never going to lose this weight. then i get depressed and eat more unhealthy junk and think "oh well its never gonna happen"... i want to avoid thinking those things and stay on track for once!!!


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Make lots of mini goals, I had more than 80lbs to lose when I started last August. I'm down 72lbs now but it took me a YEAR to do that!!!

    So I did goals for every 10lbs and some random other ones too (like hitting 199 etc). The rewards were NOT food no matter what. It helped me focus on shorter increments and not be terrified of that huge number that I needed to lose.
  • TabbyLeAnn
    TabbyLeAnn Posts: 42 Member
    I feel you! Just keep your mind to your goal. If you eat something unhealthy, don't beat yourself over it. Just try again the next day. If you need some support, feel free to add me. :)
  • newmommy2cash
    Awwww you can do this!
    There are so many inspirational people on this site that have lost over 100 pounds, you'd be amazed.
    Just focus on your goals and what it is you want to achieve at the end of your journey and don't lose sight of that.
    Have faith, believe, because you can do it!
    I'm pretty sure a lot of people on this weightloss journey has been where you're at, I know I have, but I had to slap myself and wake up! I realized I was so unhappy and only I held the power to my health and happiness.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    You can move a mountian with a teaspoon... It just takes a while.

    It took you years to get that 100lbs... take it off slow and it will be more likely to stay off.

    Don't DIET... Just start being healthy....
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    I was that way too. I started out trying to lose 145lbs - a whole person! But once you get into it, it becomes habit and you start thinking to yourself "how did I ever eat like that!" Now, when I eat a lot of junk, I get physically sick. You have to want to do it, believe you can do it, and have the strength to follow through.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    Spend some time reading the success stories here. You can absolutely do it. Sitck around here and you will certainly find all the tools you need to be successful. But real change needs to come from within, and we are all ready at different times.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    Don't give up. I am proof it can be done! Keep your head in the game :)
  • Spitcan
    Spitcan Posts: 38 Member
    personally, im -83 in 8 months and i go through the same struggles. i do! (my MFP tracker is because i joined 4 months into this journey, fyi)

    Just take it one day at a time. And i don't try to deprive myself. I was giving myself 1 day a week to eat stuff i probably shouldnt.

    But like someone else just said, set mini goals. Set monthly goals. Just work day by day. It's only as good as your own dedication. Losing that much isnt just a fad, its a lifestyle change. I left my Fiancee and moved back home to begin my life over. My total is almost 200 to lose. So far im 83 into it. There's plenty of great people on here who are entirely motivating. You'll do fine! Just find your focus.
  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    I lost over 100 pounds, and have kept it off. You can do this. Get a good nutrition plan and do some cardio exercises. Good Luck to you!
  • Clovergirl17
    OMGosh I totally understand!!! You know what helps me? Mini-goals. Instead of focusing on the seemingly impossible ultimate goal, set small mini-goals and focus on those. For instance, my current mini-goal is to get to 335 by August 31st. Right now I'm at 337.4 (SO CLOSE!!!!). I set mine at every 15 pounds, and generally give myself two months to lose it in. If I do it faster, GREAT! If not, then it's still fine :) Most importantly, REWARD YOURSELF when you meet one of your goals. Preferably something not food related, but as long as it's not going hog wild on junk food, you can use whatever you like as your reward :)

    I found this quote when I first started on MFP, and it helps me when I'm down:

    "Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most."

    Just ask yourself if what you are craving right now is going to help you or hurt you in the long run. I'm not saying it's going to be (pun intended :P) a piece of cake, but it will make you feel MUCH better about yourself. Keep up the great work! :)

    PS- If you would like some friendly encouragement, feel free to add me :) We can kick fat's trash to the curb together ;)
  • 1Shohana
    1Shohana Posts: 10
    you all are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Make lots of mini goals, I had more than 80lbs to lose when I started last August. I'm down 72lbs now but it took me a YEAR to do that!!!

    So I did goals for every 10lbs and some random other ones too (like hitting 199 etc). The rewards were NOT food no matter what. It helped me focus on shorter increments and not be terrified of that huge number that I needed to lose.

    Yes. This. Mini-goals are wonderful.

    I'm right there with ya, my ultimate goal is to lose half my original body weight, 150 lb. Overwhelming to think about like that!
    But I am a super-organized dork, so I made mysel an Excel spreadsheet with diferent milestones: BMI down to 40, 35, 30 etc. Lost 5%, 10%, 20% of body weight, etc. Back down to 2005 weight... college graduation weight... freshman year weight... you get the idea. Give yourself baby steps to work towards so it's not so overwhelming!

    Good luck!
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    I am gonna be moving near oceanside ca :^). Ok I know it seems impossible and I know it can be hard because i have been through it a lot and somehow keep on failing, but i looked at your profile and i know you have the will power to make it through this, if it helps get rid of all the food in your house that temps you and when you feel like quitting don't do something that will pre occupy u! I wish you well girl :^)
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I do mini goals too, not with dates but now feeling like I should. I play lots of World of Warcraft so every 10 pounds I buy myself a pet from the Blizzard store, then when I lose 25 pounds I am going to buy myself a mount. I have only lost 23 pounds of my 100 pound goal, and it bouces between two pounds but, I am happy it isn't coming back I know I will never be over 200 again. :)
  • losgan
    losgan Posts: 26 Member
    I'm with you! We can do it together, I want to lose 96 pounds so the mountain is really similar. My "omigosh I'm so fat" moment didn't come from the dents my pants left on me, didn't come from my back sticking to my back (being fat in Florida REALLY SUCKS), it didn't even come from the recent trouble I had fitting into a roller coaster seat, it came from my health and that's what helps me to resist the temptation. My joints are bothering and my blood pressure is up. I don't want to go down the diabetes trail like my sister and so many others in my family. Struggle through together, it's going to be 100% worth it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sgarret823
    Forget about that total for now and think smaller goals.

    I've lost almost 20 lbs so far and still have at least 120 to go. Every time I weigh myself I say 'this is less than weighed a year ago', etc. Currently I weigh less than I was at my son's wedding 2 years ago and am approaching less than I weighed 3 years ago when I had surgery'. Am also monitoring some health issues so I will know when I might need to approach the doctor about reducing some of the meds.

    Certainly as you lose you will feel your clothes loosen and even be able to get back into some you'd 'outgrown'. Make things like that your next goals. Getting down 1 more size.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I need to lose more than 100 lbs, but like the others I set mini-goals for myself. I don't use dates or anything like that, it's more like "I have x # of lbs to lose and I'll be where I was when I got married". I also constantly tell myself "YOU CAN DO THIS" and think about how good it feels to have clothes that fit and more energy to do things with my children.

    Also, when I don't do well with food, I usually find it's because I haven't been logging it in my food diary. It's amazing what seeing that calorie count does when you are tempted.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like some extra support! Good Luck!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • nomnomgal
    I do mini goals too, not with dates but now feeling like I should. I play lots of World of Warcraft so every 10 pounds I buy myself a pet from the Blizzard store, then when I lose 25 pounds I am going to buy myself a mount. I have only lost 23 pounds of my 100 pound goal, and it bouces between two pounds but, I am happy it isn't coming back I know I will never be over 200 again. :)

    Love it! I'm a former WoW geek myself, met my husband playing it!
  • justimogen
    I have at least 140 more pounds to lose. As you can see by my counters, I set mini goals. As others have said, it can be extremely helpful in keeping your motivated and focused on the immediate effects of following this new way of life.

    I'll sometime catch myself thinking of how much time it might take to lose it all and I have to snap myself out of it. It almost immediately begins to overwhelm me and thoughts of "why bother" start to creep in. Quitting should NEVER be an option.

    "The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running." --Unknown
  • juliepittelko
    Feel exactly the same:frown: