Leg cramps from walking and biking>?

brinsy Posts: 226 Member
should i work through the pain or rest my legs til the pain goes. its calf pain to be precise!? this was earlier on in the week monday 7k walk. tues bike 30 mins wednesday bad leg cramps. i stopped then for a couple of days and there fine now but is it ok to work through it or is it right to give it a break?


  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    First make sure your getting plenty of water. Leg cramps sometimes are signs of dehydration. I ususally work through mine when I get them, because it feels better to me. If your are well hydrated and do proper stretching you should be fine, if not see yur doctor asap.
  • jtucker42
    jtucker42 Posts: 9 Member
    First of all, I am not a health practitioner of any type so there are no implicit or explicit warranties attached to any advice below

    1. Are you stretching your calves before and after exercise?

    I find that unless I do a bunch of stretching my calves tighten up and cramp.

    2. Is there any swelling, heat, redness, bruising, or fever associated with the leg cramps?

    Go see a doctor, something is borked.

    3. Are you drinking enough water while exercising?

    Dehydration is one of the possibilities with leg cramps.

    4. Is the 7km walk or bike ride new exercise or something you've been doing all along?

    I think you need to find out why your legs are cramping up before deciding to "work through the pain" and possibly causing a serious injury.

    my two cents
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    are you getting enough potassium? I had that problem and got bad leg pain and didnt realize what it was for too long.. thought it was just overwork of the muscle but wouldnt really go away. Once I figured it out I made sure to eat extra potassium foods and the pain went away and havent had problems since. I just monitor my potassium to make sure I am getting enough. I do not take a potassium suppliment.

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  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    it was all new, my new healthy fit me i suppose it was too much all to fast :) and i probably wasnt drinking enough.i did stretch before and after though id say my legs were just in shock from going from mild walking everyday to thinking i was wonder woman :) there fine now so il start again slowly. thanks for the advise everyone