Is being to clean annoying?

jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
So I want some opinions from people on here.. I am a VERY clean person to the point of if I clean things get dismantled and detailed every time. When a room gets cleaned it wiped down from walls to floors, trim and cabinets cleaned out. I am not usually able to half *kitten* this. Its all or nothing. I have lost significant others to this problem, but I don't see an issue with it. I mean who doesn't like a clean house. Its way more relaxing and comfortable, and of course what woman doesn't want a man that cleans that good for them, and they don't even have to help. I found that very bizarre from my last relationship. K give me some feed back. Thanks!


  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    Sounds like you have too much time on your hands. Good for burning the cals I guess. I like things clean & tidy but really?
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I guess it wouldn't bother me, but to be quite honest I have 3 litlte boys, 2 dogs, and a husband. In order for my house to be spotless, they'd all have to move out! So Im sure our houses look much different. You have a "show room" home, and we have a kid evaded home! ")
  • rsqsquad05
    rsqsquad05 Posts: 125
    I would feel like I had to clean all the time because you are cleaning and THAT would be exhausting. Also I would not like to be feeling like snuggling on the sofa and you are too worried about the trash can needing to be wiped down. Now, i like a man that would help clean but I'm too busy living my life to worry a lot about my house being spotless! ...the walls and trim thing may be a bit much :)
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    I wish I could hire you as a butler.

    A good rule of thumb I have learned is ... if your company feel the need to ask permission to sit on your furniture or at your table... or if they are afraid to sit or touch anything, you may have cleaned a little too much.
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    OMG this is ME!!!!! I cant stand at all a messy house...I want no dust no dirt no nothing......if something is not in its place I throw it out....i dont care what it is or how much it cost.....its kids cant stand this but really I work hard and all I want to do is come home to a clean house and if i dont my "other" personality comes out....they even call me Hitler....they really do.....The kids even like to take something and turn it and take bets on how long it will take me to figure out its moved......oh ya i'm obsessive about it. I HATE CLUTTER!

    I forgot.....when putting groceries away...the kids know the fridge needs to look like the cooler at a supermarket...labels out even lines nice and neat,.... the cupboards same thing...I know its a problem....but i cant help myself.
  • bigredhearts
    getting rid of a partner due to their ability to clean things well is bizarre... not to mention rediculous ESPECIALLY if your not asking for help... btw, could you send some of your cleanliness vibes this way so i may give them to my husband :)
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    Nothing wrong with wanting a clean and healthy environment, i think that's great. But if it comes to a point of an obsession *OCD* then it could pose a problem
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Personally, I would love it! Mr Monk is my hero. Too bad I am already married and my hubby is pretty good about cleaning and cooking, too, ha, ha. She just wasn't right for you; probably if you were messy it would wind up the same.
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    I for one would love that, unless it means that instead of enjoying life your constantly cleaning. Is there any balance, can you just relax sometimes or does the "mess" drive you nutters?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    So I want some opinions from people on here.. I am a VERY clean person to the point of if I clean things get dismantled and detailed every time. When a room gets cleaned it wiped down from walls to floors, trim and cabinets cleaned out. I am not usually able to half *kitten* this. Its all or nothing. I have lost significant others to this problem, but I don't see an issue with it. I mean who doesn't like a clean house. Its way more relaxing and comfortable, and of course what woman doesn't want a man that cleans that good for them, and they don't even have to help. I found that very bizarre from my last relationship. K give me some feed back. Thanks!

    Will you marry me?
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well, I guess that depends. Do you get mad or annoyed if someone makes a bit of a mess & doesn't clean it immediately? I wouldn't mind having a bf that cleans house (mine currently does not :laugh:) but I would also not mind to have a house a little less clean & more time with my bf.

    For me it would all come down to how much time are you cleaning & is it taking your time away from others.
  • gailosborne
    marry me lol
  • yente
    yente Posts: 5
    You sound like you may have OCD. If you are cleaning things over and over or you criticize the way others clean and do it again yourself I can see why you have lost significant others. Clean is good, OVER clean is not! Remember Felix Unger from The Odd Couple? TOO much "cleaning" drives everyone else crazy. Since this has effected your life in bad ways i.e. you've lost significant others due to this you may need some professional help. Good luck.
  • victoriashea
    Hey, we're twins! Except I got meds for my disorder. Look into it... (Totally kidding man. You're fine. (Well, not kidding about the meds, but seriously... I think you're okay).
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I would feel like I had to clean all the time because you are cleaning and THAT would be exhausting. Also I would not like to be feeling like snuggling on the sofa and you are too worried about the trash can needing to be wiped down. Now, i like a man that would help clean but I'm too busy living my life to worry a lot about my house being spotless! ...the walls and trim thing may be a bit much :)

    My house is far from super tidy but i do sit there with my husband on the couch and i am worrying about what i should be doing instead of just sitting on the couch. that usually isnt enough to make me go do it but it does distance me from being in the moment, which I can admit is becoming a problem.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Well i for one HATE HATE HATE cleaning things though i i would say that is a plus:) But it could be a problem if it is an obsession. Say she wants to hang out, watch a movie, go out or whatever and your sitting there cleaning the walls. You know?

    Just find that happy medium. Girls aren't gonna want to feel like having things clean is more important then them.

    Oh and im NOT saying you do any of this!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    The short answer is yes. If you want the long answer, let me know!
  • JennysMan
    So I want some opinions from people on here.. I am a VERY clean person to the point of if I clean things get dismantled and detailed every time. When a room gets cleaned it wiped down from walls to floors, trim and cabinets cleaned out. I am not usually able to half *kitten* this. Its all or nothing. I have lost significant others to this problem, but I don't see an issue with it. I mean who doesn't like a clean house. Its way more relaxing and comfortable, and of course what woman doesn't want a man that cleans that good for them, and they don't even have to help. I found that very bizarre from my last relationship. K give me some feed back. Thanks!

    Will you marry me?

    LOL....sounds like you just want free house cleaning.... :)
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I for one would love that, unless it means that instead of enjoying life your constantly cleaning. Is there any balance, can you just relax sometimes or does the "mess" drive you nutters?

    Nah see I just clean up as I go.. so you wash each dish as you use it dry it put it away. Garbage goes out when its full, pick up things instead of walking by them. If you are already going somewhere then why dont you bring something with you that goes there. I dont clean over and over once they are clean but I like to keep them this way. So you can always have things put away and it looks clean, but once a week or every couple then they should all be wiped down again. Kind of like if you move something you should vacuum or sweep under it before its put back. If you clean your cupboards then everything comes off of them and wiped down and put back on a clean counter. Its thorough but not obsessive.