What do you hate about being fat?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Finding clothes in my size. Dropped down to 140#. Still can't find clothes in my size but I sure can find clothes I could wear weighing 320#! That really burns my butter!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I don't like not being able to do the things I want to do without pains, difficulty breathing and difficulty moving.
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    Oh gosh, so much! Not being able to wear nice clothes and outfits. Can't find cute stuff in my size. But worst of all- seeming invisible to the world! Two years ago, I was 355 pounds. At 6 feet tall, wearing a bright pink shirt, somehow people STILL managed to walk right into me! Wtf! I was a wall of a person wearing bright pink, how the hell do you miss me?! That upset me the most.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Pictures. I hate pictures. I allow them because I remind myself that my son just wants pictures of his mom.. but I HATE them.
  • GoodLardy
    GoodLardy Posts: 163 Member
    I hate the way my stomach flap looks under my clothes. I hate my round shoulders. I hate that there are no stylish clothes in my size. I hate so many things. I’m not really complaining though, these are just the things that are fuel for the fire. The things I am running away from. Slowly, but it’s going to happen.
  • hazyeyesandsunshine
    hazyeyesandsunshine Posts: 1 Member
    For me, I think my fat is a scapegoat. I hate all of the obvious things: clothes, sweat, joint pain, etc. What I really hate is the things that led me here and the future that those things will sabotage if I don't change. The laziness, the self hate, the denial. . . That is what I hate the most.
  • Optasia
    Optasia Posts: 24 Member
    I get this. What’s worse than being stared at or made fun of? Never being noticed at all. You are not alone!! I actually make a point of speaking to people who possibly are sometimes ignored due to looks etc. I’m making it my mission! Haha
    Oh gosh, so much! Not being able to wear nice clothes and outfits. Can't find cute stuff in my size. But worst of all- seeming invisible to the world! Two years ago, I was 355 pounds. At 6 feet tall, wearing a bright pink shirt, somehow people STILL managed to walk right into me! Wtf! I was a wall of a person wearing bright pink, how the hell do you miss me?! That upset me the most.

  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Sweating that's a good one. I also don't wear shorts because I can't find a length that is right. Too short and they want to roll up too long and it's just weird. I do wear dresses sometimes though. But for me, what I hate the most physical pain especially my knees and back. I'm WAY to young to have to deal with that