Has Anyone Tried Both Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire?

I'm wondering who has tried both TJ & TF and can speak to the differences between them? I am looking for a fun program and while both look like good workouts, I have a real problem picking up and following fast-paced moves. (I've never done a kickboxing workout and am not familiar with how to execute the moves.) What do you recommend for a 58 years old woman who is somewhat deconditioned? Thanks for your suggestions.


  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    They are both awesome, but if you are just starting out you should do Turbo Jam. I did Turbo Jam for years and Turbo Fire kicked my butt when I started it. You can probably do Turbo Fire, but work into it slowly and give yourself time to build up to the full program.
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    I am currently in my 5th week of turbo fire. I love it. I am not coordinated either and I am usually a couple beats behind the class but I still enjoy it. i am wanting to try turbo jam and/or chalene extreme once i complete turbo fire. As far as being 58 and trying it goes, it depends on your body. Some 58 yr olds are in better condition than me, some not so much. I myself have many health issues that make it very hard for me to do things. That being said, even with my bad back, my bad knee, my bad ankles, my bad rotor cuffs, I m still pushing through it. There is always a modify option that I usually do. I never jump when they jump, I always do the modified moves. In 5 weeks I have lost 6 lbs, 1 inch in each of my thighs and 1/2 inch in each of my arms. I think its awesome : )
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    I would personally start out with Turbo Jam. Turbofire is like Turbo Jam on steriods!!! It has kinda a lot of choreography/fast paced. A lot of ppl have a hard time with it starting out. I started with Turbo Jam several years ago, so when I got Turbofire I pretty much knew most of the moves and how she teaches the classes.
    With that being said, Turbofire is one of my 2 most favorite workout programs!!! So, I would highly recommend working your way up to that. Or, if you are feeling really frisky, GO FOR IT!!
  • voguegirl01
    I would recommend turbo jam for sure. I did turbo jam before I tried turbo fire. At first I really struggled with some of the moves in turbo jam and it is at a much MUCH slower pace than turbo fire. I would say turbo fire is 3x harder than turbo jam. Try turbo jam so you get the feel of chalene and her little signals and the ques that she gives off, because I had done turbo jam before turbo fire I really didnt need to learn the choregraphy I could just kind of guess and assume which moves were next. Im also an 18 year old girl and turbo fire can give me some pain in my knees sometimes ( im also 125pounds so its not like im putting extra weight on my joints or anything) so its pretty rough on the body and its has alot of high jumping and squating. I would consider myself in decent shape and sometimes with turbo fire after the H.I.I.T workouts I would just need to lie on the floor and breathe because they are sooo intense. Definitely go with turbo jam, but once your in better shape try turbo fire because even though its really hard its also incredibly rewarding to push your body to its limits. But i would recomment anything with Chalene she is so amazing and inspirational!