Just started Keto!

Heatherison Posts: 1 Member
Started off with a yummy dinner of beef, steamed broccoli and stuffed mushrooms. This is going to be extremely difficult for me but I think I'm ready.


  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Best of luck with it.

    This Keto diet....

    PopTarts are included with it, right?
  • hoofman04
    hoofman04 Posts: 69 Member
    Keto is easy once you get past the first 8 to 10 days. I lost 40 pounds on it
  • rebecca_beckerz
    rebecca_beckerz Posts: 9 Member
    I just wrote this long reply with information and accidentally deleted it so here's the SparkNotes. Basically make sure you're getting most of your fats from meat. You want to make sure your fat content is higher or almost the same as your protein content in that piece of meat. It will help you to cook with olive oil, coconut oils, and grass-fed butter. Make sure you don't overdo the protein when you first get started, lots of people do that, and don't be afraid to up your fat percentages. The sooner you become accustomed to more fat in the diet the easier your life will be. If you can always remember to buy grass-fed meat and products so that you don't have the grains in your diet unexpectedly. Be careful with the amount of nut/nut Butters you do eat because nuts do cause a blood sugar Spike. The best nuts for you are macadamia. Make sure you don't use vegetable oil blends because those have corn and soybean, you want to keep it as pure as possible. Try to get your Macros as close to 5% carbs 75 to 80% fat, and 15 to 20% protein.
  • rebecca_beckerz
    rebecca_beckerz Posts: 9 Member
    One last thing I wanted to say, don't be intimidated by people who are overly Keto, and what I mean by that is there will be people out there who tell you if you're eating dairy then it's not keto, or, you're not doing this or that. That's BS because everybody's preferences are different As Long as You Follow the strict guidelines of what keto actually are, then you'll do fine. Also if you choose to look up recipes online on forums like Pinterest, always make sure to read it 1st and go straight to the ingredients list, because a lot of people will say a recipe is keto or paleo or something like that and it's not. Always try to read the nutritional information if you can and remember to subtract fiber from your carb. Make sure when you read the ingredients that there is no SUGAR. Some products say no sugar, or uncured, and it's still in the ingredients list.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    What’s Keto
  • rebecca_beckerz
    rebecca_beckerz Posts: 9 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    What’s Keto
