Looking for other pregnant friends :)

Looking for some friends who are also pregnant! I just seem to be on a different journey than my other MFP friends and it would be nice to see some food diaries, workouts and status updates of other pregnant momma's on my feed.

I am currently in my second trimester (14 weeks, 1 day) with my second child. My daughter is 9 years old - it's been a decade since I was pregnant last! :D so it's like starting all over haha. Prior to getting pregnant I was on my "ok, you've let this go too far" kick and was going to get back into shape and start tracking what I was eating again. I'd really let it go between moving to a new city, starting a new job, and it was right after all the holidays too (in January). But I never did lose any significant weight because about 4 weeks later I found out I was pregnant.

Anyway, feel free to share your story with me below, or just add me. Let's be friends! :)


  • snowcloudmx
    snowcloudmx Posts: 3 Member
    Im pregnant too. Im not sure how MFP can help me, but I still think its good to track excersise and log food. When are you due? Im due Nov 17
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Im pregnant with my second as well-but my oldest is 15 months! I worked out until i delivered him, so hoping for the same this time!