Hi :-)

My name is Kay and I am new here, so I wanted to introduce myself. I am 54 years old and I have been obese for about 27 years. I have lost weight only to gain it back, but I am hoping that it will be different this time. I need it to be different for health reasons!!! I have been reading some of the posts on the message board and they have really inspired me. I am really going to give it my all this time :-) Anyway, "Hi Everybody"


  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    hello!! I am Casie and I am 30. I have been heavy forever. I yo-yo'd around a lot but this time is going to be different because I believe in myself and i believe in MFP. I have met so many thoughtful and encourageing people here! It is like having a million cheerleaders just for me!!! Welcome!
  • HI! :) you can add me as a friend if you would like to. I just started on here in june, I have lost 10 lbs so far, this is a great tool. I wish I would have found this site before, so I could be fit by 40 which is in a couple of weeks, but I will have to settle for 41. good luck on your journey to a new you!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Kay!!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Welcome Kay! I'll send you a friend request!
  • Welcome aboard, Kay! With all the tools and support this site has to offer, you'll do great! I'm so glad I found MFP, and I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do!

    Feel free to add me, and best of luck to you!
  • kaylynn54
    kaylynn54 Posts: 141
    Hi Cassie. I feel like I have been heavy forever too. It will be good to be around people that understand. Especially if they are cheering me on :-)
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi Kay! Welcome to MFP! This site is so fantastic, and everyone here is supportive and helpful. Good luck on your journey, and feel free to add me if you like!! :)
  • kaylynn54
    kaylynn54 Posts: 141
    WOW!!! So many nice people on one site. I think that I am going to like it here :-) I still have a lot to learn about this site, so I will have to figure out the adding friends thing, but I will figure it out. Thanks everybody!!!
  • Hello! I am Courtney! I am new here! I had my son a year ago. Losted 30 pounds after I had him. Than the past year with the "late night" feedings, stress and werid weather over I have gained 40 pounds! I decided to join this site for support, tips and encouragment from other people. It is good to know I am not the only one struggling! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Hello my sha and I'm 21 yrs, I always been a plus size girl and I ready to get in shape n enjoy my years to come... Feel free to add :-)
  • kaylynn54
    kaylynn54 Posts: 141
    I don't know how to add friends yet. I know how to accept friend requests, but I will look around the site and figure it out:-)