Need a buddy just to have support!

I want to lose 50 ils if not a little more please someone keep on track with me


  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I've got another 50 to 60 left to lose myself. Feel free to add me. :)
  • kuperamuviri
    kuperamuviri Posts: 9 Member
    Do add me too, have 73 to lose!
  • you can add me i have been here for a couple of weeks now
  • I'm happy to offer support!
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • auba2004
    auba2004 Posts: 12
    ADD ME 2! I have a little over 100 to lose and i started 8 days ago on here DOING GREAT! I get to weigh in this comming friday oober excited!
  • PositiveOne8925
    PositiveOne8925 Posts: 10 Member
    I need to lose 45 lbs! You can add me!
  • 115lbs to go, would everyone like to start a challenge?? We can run it for 3 months send me a message if anyone wants to join it'll be great support we can break it up into a few groups.
  • Have about 40 more to go (just over 50 lost already), feel free to add me! ;)
  • flollis
    flollis Posts: 2 Member
    I just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and a hormonal imbalance.. I have 45 lbs to go, and could use all the support I can get!
  • jwaters1006
    jwaters1006 Posts: 136 Member
    I've ot about 100 to go, everybody feel free to add me!
  • Deostark
    Deostark Posts: 1 Member
    you can add me i got around 65 lbs to lose