Temporary injury or severe case?

So today just like normal i went to the gym at 3pm and worked out and did my arm day. Suddenly i was doing 1 arm cable curls(basically motion of uppercutting someone but focused on bicep) and when i was on a rep, i suddenly got a sharp pain in my collarbone/internal neck/chest area. This thing sort of happened once when i think i breathed wrong when i jumped to grab the pullup bar and the combination of the false breathing and gravity pressuring me down caused the pain. But this time, i wasnt even doing a pullup, however i do have a gut feeling that this is caused by an incorrect breathing thing.. so a couple hours after my workout it still hurts till now and it mainly hurts when i either 1) Inhale deepling thru the nose or 2). Inhale moderately deep thru the mouth or 3) bend over to pick up something like a basketball and while doing that action, breathing... this is very irritable and i was wondering if i shouldnt workout because when i pretended that i was hyperventilating or pretended that i just finished a HIIT workout and needed air, the pain came back...
Please help :(


  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm afraid I'm not well-versed in breathing techniques, I'm curious how improper breathing could cause an injury? Also, if you have continuing pain, at the very least you should probably back off from any exercise that might make it worse, and go see a Dr if the pain persists.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    edited May 2018
    For issues like this, general doctors tend to give general advice like "rest and take antiinflammatories". For a proper diagnosis, you may need to see a sports doctor, orthopedist, sports physical therapist, etc.
    Let us know what you find out. :+1:
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    I'm afraid I'm not well-versed in breathing techniques, I'm curious how improper breathing could cause an injury? Also, if you have continuing pain, at the very least you should probably back off from any exercise that might make it worse, and go see a Dr if the pain persists.

    I passed a kidney stone that caused so much pain that I had trouble breathing and gasping for air caused me to have lingering chest pain that my doctor diagnosed as costochondritis. The kidney stone pain lasted a few hours but the chest pains lasted over 3 months! Definitely see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out anything serious.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Emergency triage rates chest pain very high on the priority list. An EKG is needed to rule out any heart problems. Don’t delay in getting checked out. Better to rule out the scariest than to assume it’s nothing and risk long term damage.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I wouldn't be asking a message board for advice and would recommend that instead you call your doctor to be seen. You know your body best and if you are questioning whether or not you should even work out, it might behoove you to seek medical treatment.

    FTR, if it were me, I'd be icing the area, taking an anti-inflammatory, and resting.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    This sounds like costochondroitis to me. It's inflammation of the rib's cartiledge.

    I've had it a couple times in the past. Mine was from autoimmune issues rather than an injury though. It went away within a couple of months, but because mine was autoimmune, it could have slowed recovery time.

    I too would check with a doctor to make sure it is nothing more sinister.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Go to a doctor!!! We are not MD's, and even if someone was, they cannot give you an exam online.

  • lizzyfit2
    lizzyfit2 Posts: 30 Member
    A doctor, you really need to get this checked! Especially since this isnt the first time you've felt this rip....
    I have 3 thoracic discs that are in bad shape, bulge bad now. I first realized it when a ripping, sudden pain gripped me, affected my breathing as it traveled around my ribs.

    Like others have said, you really need a doctor, it could be coming from anywhere..
    Best wishes..