Let's try this again..

wawawaP Posts: 1 Member
Hiyas! So 17 yrs ago I lost 100 lbs. Skip ahead till present and I've gained it all back..ugh! Soooo I know I can do it, just harder now because 1. Older (screams) 2. Have MS (exercising can be difficult) 3. Recently diagnosed as diabetic. 4. Have PCOS
Soo will be slower going this time but I'm ok with that! Following a low carb/ketoish plan.
Oh if any special boards for diabetics and/or PCOS please let me know! Ty!


  • xoxorainie
    xoxorainie Posts: 10 Member
    I have lost and gained more times than I can count! Feel free to add me :)
  • DavidVXR
    DavidVXR Posts: 109 Member
    Hello, I’m not a sales person for the Blood Sugar Diet however have a read about the effects and outcomes for adapting this way of living. Just put blood sugar diet into any search engine and you’ll find an abundance of information. Good luck with everything and hope you find the right way for you.
  • aleewarden1
    aleewarden1 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking to get more accountability partners so feel free to add me!