Is being to clean annoying?



  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Well i for one HATE HATE HATE cleaning things though i i would say that is a plus:) But it could be a problem if it is an obsession. Say she wants to hang out, watch a movie, go out or whatever and your sitting there cleaning the walls. You know?

    Just find that happy medium. Girls aren't gonna want to feel like having things clean is more important then them.

    Oh and im NOT saying you do any of this!

    Haha she was the one that got mad at me for always wanting to be out and about. I am very social person. Maybe thats why my house stays the way I want it.. I am never there. Clean it and enjoy it while you are there and after that go golfing or something. =0)
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    The one other thing I do a lot of is cooking and I do it well, but I am fast at it. So the one thing I have always had problems with is if you have company or right now I have roommates which is KILLING ME quickly. So the one thing is having things put away in your kitchen in the wrong place when you need it you cant find it. I am a very analytical person and everything is done according to time. Yea i know I am a freak haha! I am working on this. Thats why I work in logistics I guess.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Yep it is annoying, sounds a bit OCD to me. I guess as long as your partner is the same way you would be fine. Do not ever plan on having kids though because they will drive you nuts trying to keep up with your level of clean. I can clean quickly and efficiently when needed, for a party or something. Otherwise my house it fairly 'lived in' most of the time. My daughter had a friend come over that has a mom that is a clean freak and he said he loved that our house actually looked like someone lived in it. He felt much more comfortable in our house than he did at home. So I guess it depends on your personality as to whether it is annoying or not. It would drive me nuts to live like that. I have much better things to do with my time than to spend hours cleaning.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    If the one you are sharing your place with feels like they can live there it shouldn't be a problem. My husband used to come behind me and wash utensils I wasn't finished with while I was in the middle of cooking and I would reach for it and it had disapeared. I used to be the straightener and he used to be more of the cleaner. After two kids we are alot more lax but maybe someday soon we can have a clean and straight house. Kids are much better than a perfact house.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Well i for one HATE HATE HATE cleaning things though i i would say that is a plus:) But it could be a problem if it is an obsession. Say she wants to hang out, watch a movie, go out or whatever and your sitting there cleaning the walls. You know?

    Just find that happy medium. Girls aren't gonna want to feel like having things clean is more important then them.

    Oh and im NOT saying you do any of this!

    Haha she was the one that got mad at me for always wanting to be out and about. I am very social person. Maybe thats why my house stays the way I want it.. I am never there. Clean it and enjoy it while you are there and after that go golfing or something. =0)

    Well then i see no reason why that would be a problem. My step mother is a VERY clean person. No crumbs can be left in the toaster and they certainly cant even TOUCH the place mats. The only reason i find her being SO CLEAN irritating and annoying is because she makes EVERYTHING in our house having to be perfect and clean and it makes me irritated because she's constantly saying do this or do that. BUT you seem like its just YOU doing the cleaning and not her.

    The way you are describing everything...doesn't sound like a problem. Unless some girls are jealous that you can clean better:D
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well i for one HATE HATE HATE cleaning things though i i would say that is a plus:) But it could be a problem if it is an obsession. Say she wants to hang out, watch a movie, go out or whatever and your sitting there cleaning the walls. You know?

    Just find that happy medium. Girls aren't gonna want to feel like having things clean is more important then them.

    Oh and im NOT saying you do any of this!

    Haha she was the one that got mad at me for always wanting to be out and about. I am very social person. Maybe thats why my house stays the way I want it.. I am never there. Clean it and enjoy it while you are there and after that go golfing or something. =0)

    Well then i see no reason why that would be a problem. My step mother is a VERY clean person. No crumbs can be left in the toaster and they certainly cant even TOUCH the place mats. The only reason i find her being SO CLEAN irritating and annoying is because she makes EVERYTHING in our house having to be perfect and clean and it makes me irritated because she's constantly saying do this or do that. BUT you seem like its just YOU doing the cleaning and not her.

    The way you are describing everything...doesn't sound like a problem. Unless some girls are jealous that you can clean better:D

    clean better!:laugh:That's one thing I would NOT be jealous of- I would welcome someone that could clean better than me- then I wouldn't be the only one cleaning :laugh:
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I have lost significant others to this problem, ...

    There's your answer.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    clean better!:laugh:That's one thing I would NOT be jealous of- I would welcome someone that could clean better than me- then I wouldn't be the only one cleaning :laugh:

    Haha neither would i but there are some strange chicks out their!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    ehhh Chris is like that sometimes, he's also lazy though and I actively encourage that because when he does clean he takes forever and does EVERYTHING! He says to me "Just sit there, I'll do it" and then of course I can't! I have to help. But he niggles every out of place item, thankfully, he's also lazy and so while he has days of head to toe cleaning, they're only once a month or it would never work between u as I clean when things annoy me, until it's preentable and then stop. I do not move furniture every time I weep the floor, nor do I move the microwave when I wipe down the kitchen sides every day.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I have lost significant others to this problem, ...

    There's your answer.

    I am not gonna live in a house uncomfortable or constantly picking up after an ADULT that can do it themselves. I am sure there is way more than two women out there that find this annoying that would love it. So not worried about it.
    Just lower your cocaine intake!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I have lost significant others to this problem, ...

    There's your answer.

    I am not gonna live in a house uncomfortable or constantly picking up after an ADULT that can do it themselves. I am sure there is way more than two women out there that find this annoying that would love it. So not worried about it.

    Guess they weren't very significant then. Your "other" is your choice. And by looking at the other responses here I'd say you have plenty of suitable options.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I have lost significant others to this problem, ...

    There's your answer.

    I am not gonna live in a house uncomfortable or constantly picking up after an ADULT that can do it themselves. I am sure there is way more than two women out there that find this annoying that would love it. So not worried about it.

    I agree. Though some(like me) may not LIKE cleaning....i certainly am not going to make someone else pick up my mess. I may not do it right away(with certain things) but i will. Children have to be picked up after...Adults should NOT!
  • PersuingPetite
    PersuingPetite Posts: 22 Member
    Are you kidding me? Having someone clean up around the house would be a dream come true. I'm a bit OCD with such places like my room and bathroom... places that are souly my own. But if I had my own place everything would be cleaned up. I love things looking nice and livable. Also, makes stuff SO EASY to find. If someone was there to wipe stuff down with some windex or pledge, and I put everything away nicely. I'd be psyched about that set up. Just me though.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I believe that a clean house is vital for being healthy and happy. You should maintain a clean house to where you can set things down and know it isn't dirty, bugs aren't coming in to eat your crumbs, and the animals are well maintained. You need to balance it though by allowing things to get used and misplaced but put away when done using. I don't believe a house should look unlived in but should be thoroughly cleaned. Toilets cleaned, food picked up and stored correctly, dishes/laundry done, furniture tidy, carpets vacuumed and floors swept. This should be basic necessities for anyone to be happy... OCD to me would be freaking out over a spec of dust or a semi messy kitchen after a big dinner. That's intolerable because you are limiting yourself from having a regular life by letting the OCD control you. So yeah... need balance.
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    It appears to be less about cleaniness and more about control.
  • glitterpiss
    Yeah, it is pretty annoying. If having a spotless house is your main concern, then you obviously have more time on your hands than you know what to do with. I wouldn't want to go to someones house that I feel will have to scrub the walls if I touch them after I leave. I would rather do something I really enjoy than scrubbing the floor trim all the time.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I wish I had a little bit of what you have.
    Seriously though, I believe this is or could develop into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Where you won't shake hands or use public facilities, including taxis and things like that.

    I have heard there are treatments and maybe medications.

    The comedian Howie Mandel suffers from this.
  • harm_ny
    harm_ny Posts: 21
    My boyfriend is too messy and it really pisses me off because he'll throw trash and clothes on the floor when a bin and clothes basket are 1-3 feet away. I think your cleaning habits are awesome!
  • bhagavatilad1
    It makes a women feel incompetant when a guy cleans. So don't clean when your girlfriend is around help her certainly but don't go overboard or complain. In my hindu culture guys are not supposed to do anything except bring home the doe. My X used to stop helping me when we had guests. Who cares anyway