Think I'm gunna have a bad day!

Went to bed last night feeling great, my 30day shred DVD come, couldn't wait to get started!

Woke up at 5 with my son and saw the partner of to work, my son was still tired so no idea why he woke up but I was dressed and didn't see the point in going back to bed.

IT'S SUNDAY! Why didn't I realise that? Nothing on TV! Nothing to do! Sure I've gotta clean and excerise but it's too early for that. So I looked for some breakfast, 2 Wholemeal rolls and a salad pot, about 450calories. I ate the lot, just because I was bored! Doesn't help I've put ON 2 pounds and god knows why! I had a bad dinner a couple days ago but the rest of my day was still on track.

450cals for breakfast is alot, I HATE feeling bloated these days because I know I've overeaten, I know there was no need, and I know it was pointless!

Now I feel bored, lonely, and cold, which only makes me wanna reach for those lovely white chocolate chip cookies my boyfriends got in the kitchen!! I don't think I will but it seems like it's gunna be such a battle today and I've not had that since I started, (3weeks ago).

Any words of wisdom or insperation to stop me going back into the kitchen! How to find something to do?! Just need to be told that even though breakfast wern't the best my days not ruined and it's still worth it! Keep trying to tell myself that but I ain't listening!

I guess this is where willpower pops into changing! :(


  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    you could mop the kitchen floor and stay off it till it dries that would keep you out of there for a while. lol
    WOrds of wisdom? hmmm... Not many coming from me, lucky me, i am at work and don't have any food to eat so its easy for me not to stuff my face.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    Put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk! Then put him in the bouncy seat and do as much of the 30DS as you can until he gets fussy! Then play with him!

    Put on some crazy music and clean the house and dance with your baby to it. Call a mommy friend and have her and her baby come over and play. Or take a nap with your baby!

    I know how it is to have cabin fever with a little baby around...just keep your goal in mind and find ways to get to it. Look at it like a game - the evil cookies and lack of sleep are trying to keep you from winning, but you will use your ninja skills and prevail!
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    450 cals for breakfast isn't that bad. you just have to burn some of it off before you eat lunch...
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    The following is just my heartfelt advice. Take a breather and relax. And do not say "it's too early" for ANYTHING! Haha just get on that floor and do some sit ups or whatever exercises you feel like. :P Go out in the sun and go for a walk (later in the midday). Or a jog. Sit down and go over pictures of before you started and now. Write down all the things you want to do and have or whatever when you reach your goal. Think about these things.

    Keep your eyes on the prize and CONSTANTLY question "What can I do next/now to help?" This is what I do every single day, and I enjoy every minute of it. We are all in it to win it girl! 400 calorie breakfast is nothing! You can work that off and then some. :) You have the strength and judging by your ticker you're doing well already. Don't let a lack of background get you down. Got a music player? Use it. Anything you have. XD

    I wish you the best of luck and if you'd like an extra supporter feel free to add me!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Mopping the kitchen floor ain't a half bad idea actually! Think I'll give that a shot!

    Whilst listening to pharell thanks for that! lol!

    And I would take Jamie out for a bit but he's asleep again! And I don't know anyone around here, sounds lame I know, I moved 300miles away from my family and ever since I've just been pregnant and looking after baby! I'm a little short on female company for now but I'll get there!

    And Jm I know it's not terrible but I like to keep myself 600-700 calories for dinner because it's always my biggest meal, so was a little gutted that I went overboard. I didn't add in exercising because today will be the first time I'm actually trying! Other than walking, cleaning ect
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Thank you ash, that's lovely! I will be adding you now! :) I think you're right I should just stop making excuses and get up and moving.

    I half don't even wanna wake up though! I live off like 4-5hours sleep a night (if I'm lucky!) and since I started dieting it's got worse for some reason - anyone know why?
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    450 cals for breaky aint bad and it's NEVER too early for exersice...acually the earlier you do it the better you feel as you have got it outta the way! lol
    also i have stuck to my cal goal everyday this week also(fine its totm and ive changed the exersice routines around) but i have GAINED 5.2lb this week! so i will swap your 3lb for my 5lb? hows that...:)
    so if your board take your kids out to the park(walk there) and that will be a few extra cals off that 450! right :)

    good luck!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Hmm now I'm gunna feel stupid! Does TOTM make you put on weight? I know it makes you bloated but I thought that was just more a visual thing like you drink aload of water it comes out a few hours later and you're fine!

    If so that could be the reason for my gain, right? Will that go after TOTM ends or does the weight stick?
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am the same way with less sleeping since I started here. Baby sleeping? Pop in 30 day shred and get moving! Then you pop the baby in the stroller after he wakes up and go for a walk....that will help you cool down after 30ds too. You will burn off your breakfast calories and then you more room for dinner!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    oh and for the record...I like to do the shred BEFORE I have my coffee so my brain cannot talk my body out it!
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    450 cals for breakfast isn't the end of the world i find sundays hard too , how about you go out for a walk with baby get some extra cals :) fresh air do you good re focus your mind maybe x
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    Hmm now I'm gunna feel stupid! Does TOTM make you put on weight? I know it makes you bloated but I thought that was just more a visual thing like you drink aload of water it comes out a few hours later and you're fine!

    If so that could be the reason for my gain, right? Will that go after TOTM ends or does the weight stick?

    I used the search function for this liberally. It turns out yes. You will gain weight but it's water weight and will literally FALL off a day or few after it's over. And quite probably you'll see more lost than you gained! So yeah, TOM is deceptive and evil. I'm dealing with it right now but I've not seen the huge gain yet thankfully, but everybody's different. But nothing to worry about. Just take TOM week with a grain of salt. :)

    Glad to be a proud supporter of a fellow mom; thanks for adding me. :)
  • Imahottmess
    Watch an episode of Heavy. Definitely motivating.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Whats heavy? A TV show?

    And AHH I see! My TOTM has only started sorting itself out since baby so that would explain why I've put some weight on and feel so blah! Awesome to know I'll see a little drop soon!

    Yeah I think I'm gunna have a quick clean up for some space, do my 30DS before Jamie wakes up then get some cleaning done and see where the rest of the day takes me. Should feel better after that I hope! Great thing about burning some cals off is I feel guilty if I go crazy eating after because I've ruined hard work, even if it's just an hours walk!

    Thank you SO much everyone. You've just saved me a super bad day!

    Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    totm can make you wieght flucuat e next week you should get a result tomake up for it so TRY stick with it
  • Imahottmess
    Yeah, Heavy is a TV show I watch when I want to eat junk food. I quickly change my mind after watching it. I'm not sure what channel it comes on, I watch it through Netflix.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Is it a UK show?

    If it puts you off eating junk is it some kind of behind the scenes show showing you what its really made off? I have such a weak stomach for that stuff!

    Just done 30DS Day 1 Level 1. So much more awake now and ready for the day - may do it first thing every morning!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I had a bad night last night and ate some things I regretted. Then came up with this "Don't let a stumble turn into a tumble." Catchy huh? But, it made me stop and regroup. You can too. Good luck!
  • Imahottmess
    Heavy is a show about really, really overweight people and they are put through 6 months of rigorous exercise and diet changes to save their lives. It's a good show, not sure if it's in the UK. Seriously makes me rethink my junk food because I just picture myself looking like them and decide the junk food isn't worth it.