Weightloss buddies countdown to Christmas challenge!

Hellooooo Fellow MFPer's

There's 19 weeks until Christmas Eve and i would like to invite anyone who is wanting to get to goal or at least lose 19lbs by Christmas if you would like to take part in a weightloss buddy countdown to Christmas challenge.

Basically, anyone who replies to this message board will be partnered with another based on where they live, their weightloss goals and any particular needs.

Once partnered you will have to work together to acheive at least a lb loss each, every week leading up to Christmas, this should be acheived by

Keeping within your calorie goal everyday,
Some physical activity at least 30 mins 5 times a week
Drinking at least 8 glasses of fluid (preferably water) everyday.
Communicating with your buddy at least twice a week to chat about your week and really motivate each other.

I know the goals are pretty simple and some people out there will think, why do i need a buddy to do this when i can do this on my own....well thats great that you can, but there are alot of people out their who set out every week to try and acheive the above and end up dreading the scale each week because they've not been able to do it, this system is for those people, i personally am one of them, i love the buddy system and it has worked for me in the past having someone to be accountable to but not only that as an emotional eater having someone to turn to in a moment of weakness, aswell as making loyal friends along the way.

So for those of you who are interested in signing up to the weightloss buddy countdown to christmas challenge, please reply to this topic with your home Country or for US participants your state, along with your weekly weightloss goal and any other weightloss info you think will help you to be matched with the right buddy i.e emtional eater, diabetic, lack of motivation to exercise etc

Once partnered i will set up a new forum for us to post our weekly buddy results, lets do this!

I hope to hear from you soon, Laura xox

P.s I will endeavour to partner people asap as not sure how many replies i will get but hopefully within 24hours

Good Luck everyone! xox


  • JenGilronan
    JenGilronan Posts: 30 Member
    I would love to join the challenge!
    My goals are:
    Stay under my calorie count.
    Lose 15 lbs.
    Run at least 35 miles for each months, Sept, Oct, Nov, & Dec.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    This is the perfect challenge for me! I have 21 lbs to go and my goal has been for awhile to reach this by the end of the year! And by Christmas is very doable too ;) Let's see...
    I live in Utah, I am a mother to a 3 yr old daughter, and a 1 yr old son. I am just now stopping breastfeeding. I am not usually an emotional eater, but I crash some days and then I am awful! I enjoy running and try my best to fit this in during naptime. I am 5'2, and only 24 yrs old, (but put 29 on mfp to get a more accurate metabolism rate since I've had 2 kids, lol). And lastly, I'm super outgoing and love making new friends! I think this buddy system will really help me =D TY for starting the group!!
  • Hi,

    I am interested in this too. I am seriously lacking motivation. I start off, do really well and then fall off the wagon...

    Location: UK (London)
    Weekly Goal: Weight loss of 2lbs
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I would love to join this challenge! I struggle with daily calories - My husband and I love to cook and eat! I need some ideas for breakfast to keep me satisfied until lunch....

    Let me know who my partner is and what the forum is.
  • I wanna try.It will be fun to look in the mirror and se my self !I hope to do it with the partisipents!Good luck!!!!!!!!!
  • trisha5k
    trisha5k Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join, I got up to 222 pounds and want to get at least to 140, I have a hard time staying focused so this would be great and a neat way to meet others. Thanks Trish
  • I would love to join as well, I would love to lose 25lb. I am lacking motivation as well.

    Location: Australia.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Do they have to live near me so I can slap them if they keep cheating?

  • Brilliant Guys!

    I will do my best to get you partnered asap. I am going to see what replies we get today and hopefully start partnering this evening (uk time) I will add you all as friends before doing so incase you have any personal questions you'd like to ask or request with regards to the matching process!

    Will be intouch soon, in the meantime,pleeeease spread the word and lets get as many people to get involved as poss!

    Laura xoxox
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Personal questions?

    Like, I have this rash....?
  • Maybe not that personal ay? lol
  • shnazzy
    shnazzy Posts: 213
    i would love to take part too
  • dbow99
    dbow99 Posts: 5
    I would like to join too!! I want to loose 29lbs by then
  • Hi, I would like to join please. I'm 29, 5'6 and from Buckinghamshire in the UK, however I am living in NZ completing my 5th winter season ( i follow the snow). I am returning to the UK in Nov for good after being away for 3 years so someone in the UK would be ideal. I'm on MFP as my partner and I are heading to Thailand in 9 weeks, a) I want to look good in a bikini and b) I want to look healthy when I return home to friends and family. I've lost 15 pounds so far, my motivation for exercise is good, but my eating healthy is slipping. A buddy would be good, thanks.
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - I'm also in the UK and would love to be part of a challenge - I have another 35 to be at initial goal, but I'd take 19 by the end of the year!
  • ChocFiend
    ChocFiend Posts: 219 Member
    can i join? im from the uk, am 24 years old, im 5ft 9ins and i have 21.4lbs to goal.
  • Hi everyone!

    Thanks for the interest so far, i've added you all as friends and will be matching you up soon, just waiting to see if there is anymore interest first, its 11:30am here so will looking to close the group in about 5 and a half hours 5pm UK time, just until initial partners have been matched.

    Anyone after this time can message me if they still want to join in, its just i will probably be starting a new forum after 5pm for matched buddies to use and may not be coming back to look at this one as often.

    Will keep you all informed as the day goes on!

    Laura xoxox
  • I would love to join also. I live in Delaware and am a teacher at an elementary school. I return to school next week, so it would be great to have a buddy to work with to stay motivated. I am hoping there might be someone following Low Carb that would like to share recipes and such. My goal is 1-2 lbs loss per week. I have lost 21, and have 80 to go. Thanks for doing this!

  • I would love to join. I live in Tennessee and to a fairly physical job. I love love love Zumba! I walk 4miles 2 days a week and do Zumba 3 days a week. I would love to have a weightloss buddy. I'm 32 yrs old and need to lose 30lbs to reach my goal. My weightloss has slowed down a little over the last month and I'm worried I'm going to hit a plateau soon. Maybe having a buddy will be helpful to keep me motivated!
  • Kimkimba
    Kimkimba Posts: 173 Member
    I would like a buddy. I'm a 45 yo SAHM - my youngest is four and two of my kids (8 and 13) have special needs with autism and related issues.

    I live near Philly, Pennsylvania and have about 45 pounds to lose.