Feeling down

Aarilyn Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I am 28 years old, 5' and weigh 218 pounds. My problem is more pop, as I drink it daily and I drink a lot. I'm scared of loose skin, but I know being healthy is far more important. I guess I'm just stuck in a rut and trying to get myself back and be healthy and happy again.


  • johnw83
    johnw83 Posts: 6,219 Member
    hi hun how are u sorry your going through this i am more than happy to help u through this hard time i am john
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you know your issue is liquid calories switch to Diet..or Zevia. Both taste good with 0 calories. Loose skin can be removed if it really bothers you that much. You won't think of it much when you're feeling so much healthier and getting more energy!
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited June 2018
    Find a sub for the soda pop. If diet pop reminds you too much of regular, try something like LaCroix or green tea. Pure leaf just came out with a new cold green one, it's light, won't jack you up with a hard caffeine hit. It's really good. You could make your own but you may need something portable in your hand for awhile.

    684549.jpg.  The way to outgrow one habit we have replace it with another.  Just hang around this joint and you'll have a lorra lorra friends soon.  Oooo and I make all kinds of flavored fruit waters with green tea bags in the summer.  These units are reasonable and work well...19 bucks at wallyworld. Throw in any tea bags, fruit and water, let it brew in your fridge. I've used all kinds of tea bags and they all work, no special teas required.b1992b70-bd2a-4d43-83ae-b66d71fa1f5c_1.5ceb2dbbd4ebe17a6fb5a646b5039361.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF.
  • amandapandabears
    amandapandabears Posts: 3 Member
    My personal advice is to not look at pop as the enemy! My dad kind of messed me up growing up... he lived a bachelor lifestyle and handed me candy bars and a 2-liter for breakfast on the way to school. I don’t know how I didn’t gain weight from that.... got lucky I guess.. but what did happen was I became addicted to pop. I had tried going cold turkey over the years and it didn’t work. My advice is to slowly cut back. For instance if you normally drink 3 cans a day make it 2. Don’t feel bad when you do have some either. Feel good about yourself that you’re not only working towards a goal, but giving yourself a treat as well. I no longer get withdrawal symptoms and I either drink just water daily or 1 soda if it sounds good.
  • claire23rd
    claire23rd Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2018
    hugs . this is not an easy thing to do. I'm only 5 ft2 and 16st, so it really shows.

    I'm really motivated at the moment , I log all calories here, and theres great support.

    You can still drink pop, but just go for the 0 sugar versions, that's what I do. Once you are logging everything in MFP you can sort of see where your going.

    chin up hun you can do this, we all have weak moments x
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,152 Member
    You can either cut down (advise doing this slowly as caffeine withdrawal from soda can be horrendous if you're used to drinking a lot) or substituting to diet versions.

    What matters for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so if you can fit it into your day, then there is no problem.

    Loose skin, is mostly down to genetics, but you can take some steps to avoid/reduce the appearance of it by taking weight loss slowly and doing some form of strength training. You're relatively young so your skin should have a good amount of elasticity still.
  • Renkirtley
    Renkirtley Posts: 4 Member
    Hey honey,

    You have taken a huge step in deciding to do something about your health and weight and should feel proud of yourself for that. :)
    The secret is consistency. It is not going to happen overnight as much as we want it to, so settle in and try to enjoy the process.
    I have a bit of lose skin but there is no way I would swap it for the weight back in a million years! The difference in how I feel is incredible. I read that skin continues to shrink for up to a year after weight loss as well, so the end result may not be as bad as you think it'll be.
    Wear the skin as a badge of honour, it will be testament to the hard work you will do. Plus, there is some amazingly good underwear out there! lol ;)

    Good luck. x
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